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anon (Unregistered Guest)
| Posted on Sunday, 09 October 2005 - 02:39 pm: | |
The issue here is a matter of balance, and eveyone knows which way that goes, once either local Tory authorities or private enterprise get the leash. The residents are rightly and understandably opposed to further expansion as an airport, but don't want it sold off as another building site afaik. All sounds pretty reasonable to me, considering what the MQ's are now being turned into by moronic greedy speculators. Airline pilots are trained at biggin hill?? lol.
| Posted on Monday, 21 March 2005 - 02:42 pm: | |
Well if youre not bright enough to work out what he/she is saying maybe you should sit down and be quiet? Just a thought.... But If I have to spell it out... An airfield like Biggin is a great big Green lung for the area. (it has far more grass than tarmac) Far less pollution is generated by the aircraft that use it than the cars that use the nearby road. Nobody wants to build a large international airport. Where do you think the pilots that take you on holiday get trained? In the USA the local airfields are considered a fundamental part of the local transport infrastructure, even the smallest towns have one as a matter of pride. We are fortunate to have a legacy of great airfields left over from the war and all we do is build houses on them? Do I have to go on.......
| Posted on Monday, 21 March 2005 - 10:07 am: | |
What is the point that the previous poster is trying to make? |
| Posted on Friday, 17 December 2004 - 07:38 pm: | |
Am I the only person who finds the latest complaints from the Biggin Hill residents about the proposed new homes near the Airport somewhat ironic. They have been complaining for years about any development (eg a hanger!!!!) or use of the airport (like being open for business when customers want them to open, like aircraft landing & taking off and ground running their engines!!) that may change the status quo. Amazingly they now are citing the lost previous peace, tranquility, wildlife, etc following the closure of West Malling Airfield. True, this is an example of what can happen when an airport is complained about so much by residents that it is uneconomic, the operators give up , sell to a developer, and walk off to pastures new. It happened with Hawkinge, Leavesden, Ipswich, and now North Weald is under threat from the Local Authority selling it off - Biggin won't be far behind. Its a common story - the residents belatedly regret their actions when they see what happens after the airfield closes. Nice cheap, flat land is great for industrial estates and housing. What did they think the alternate use would be - a nature reserve? If hundreds of acres of land is not given a chance to earn its keep, don't be surprised if you soon find hundreds of houses, or industrial units built on it It will be nothing like as peaceful as the huge areas of open space, and a few aircraft flying overhead that you have now. And don't expect the council to protect you - think of all that Council Tax from all those homes. And John Prescott will be rubbing his hands with glee at the chance to build more homes in the south east. And look at Chislehurst Art & Media college where the land use was re designated from Metroploitan open space to ok for housing and 290 homes are now a-coming Just don't say you weren't warned my friends.
| Posted on Wednesday, 03 January 2001 - 10:55 pm: | |
The Secretary of State for the Environment has issued the Article 4 Direction which now brings the proposed giant Hangar within the normal planning constraints and procedures - so BHAL can't go ahead as they please. |
Chris Maines
| Posted on Thursday, 07 December 2000 - 11:15 am: | |
We agreed to apply for leave to appeal. This has to be done within the next six days. With the usual Christmas delays we should be heard in mid January. I understand the Appeal Court is hearing cases within about 6-9months. Fingers crossed ! Chris Maines Liberal Democrat Co-Leader LB Bromley |
Walter Million
| Posted on Sunday, 10 December 2000 - 12:42 am: | |
BIGGIN HILL AIRPORT - HIGH COURT JUDGEMENT Thank you for your email. We are as disappointed as you about the High Court Judgement. We are also well aware of local concerns as expressed in your letter. The Judgement and whether or not the Council should apply for leave to appeal against it will be considered by the Policy & Resources Committee on 6th December. The Committee will be receiving a full report from me which will include the advice of Counsel on the basis of which they will make their decisions. The Committee will be receiving two reports. The first one, which will be in the public part of the agenda, will be reporting the Judgement. The second one, which will be in the confidential part of the agenda, will contain legal advice on the possible grounds of appeal and the prospects of success. However, I am sure that the Committee will make a public announcement of their decision immediately afterwards. I hope that the reason why the second report needs to be discussed in confidence is obvious. If it were discussed in public all the information, including the legal advice, would be public which would include the airport and its advisers. You will understand that I cannot make available to you my advice and the advice of Counsel before it is received and considered by the Committee; nor would it be proper for me to predict what will be the decision of the Committee, other than to say that I would expect the Committee to apply for leave to appeal if there are adequate grounds for doing so. Walter Million BOROUGH SECRETARY |
| Posted on Thursday, 07 December 2000 - 12:28 am: | |
BHAL won the High Court action to extend the type of aircraft that can use Biggin Hill. The London Borough of Bromley Policy & Resources committee are met on the 6th December. The first part is public when the facts on whether an appeal is possible will be discussed then a private discussion on the decision. I am told that this will be made public later that night.. |
| Posted on Thursday, 07 December 2000 - 12:43 am: | |
From Biggin Hill's web site
Quote: Judge Rules On Airport Lease A judge has confirmed that scheduled flights are permitted to operate from Biggin Hill Airport. The Airport Operator (Biggin Hill Airport Limited) asked the High Court to rule on the terms of its lease with the London Borough of Bromley, entered into in May 1994. The decision, announced today, is important for the steady growth of Britain’s most famous airfield, now a London Regional Airport. “We are anxious to work with the local community and our business partners in developing the Airport and will continue to consult every step of the way with the local authorities”, said Chairman, Andrew Walters.
| Posted on Thursday, 28 September 2000 - 10:45 am: | |
From The Times dated 26th October 1999.
Bernie Ecclestone, through Formula One Administration, is a tenant of a hangar at Biggin Hill and owns land adjoining the airport. |
| Posted on Thursday, 28 September 2000 - 10:39 am: | |
London Biggin Hill Airport is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Regional Airports Limited, a private company controlled by Andrew Walters, which also owns and operates London Southend Airport. |
| Posted on Thursday, 28 September 2000 - 10:36 am: | |
Flightpath are organising a walk from the Bull's Head Chislehust, to Biggin Hill to generate publicity for their campain to restrict large aircraft movements at Biggin Hill. Meet between 12 and 1pm on Saturday 14th October. |
| Posted on Tuesday, 26 September 2000 - 11:54 am: | |
From Biggin Hill's web site
Quote: At the moment we can accept aircraft as large as A320 and Boeing 737 if they comply with noise requirements.