Well Hill in the AONB
In early October 2007 Well Hill became one of the first locations in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to have the official Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty signs.
Well Hill is one of the gateways into the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
AONBs have similar legal protection as National Parks. The Kent Downs are the eastern half of the North Downs covering nearly a quarter of Kent, stretching from the White Cliffs at Dover up to the Surrey and London borders. It is a diverse and vibrant landscape with its dramatic chalk escarpments, secluded dry valleys, networks of tiny lanes and historic hedgerows, ancient woodlands, traditional orchards, locally distinctive villages, unique and precious wildlife and many sites of historic and cultural interest to explore. All these make up a landscape that is such a valuable national asset that it was nationally designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1968.
For more information on the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty see the AONB website.
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