There are no by-laws in Bromley restricting the lighting of bonfires
but if a bonfire is causing a nuisance LBB can take action under the Environmental
Protection Act 1990 to stop further problems.
If it is felt that someone is contravening planning permissions, it is best to contact
Planning Investigations Department 020 8461 7730
If it is felt that someone is contravening planning permissions, it is best to contact
Planning Enforcement Department
01732 227369
In the light of concerns over unauthorised travellers' encampments and the
possibility of sites being established at weekends, SDC has an after hours,
24 hour emergency contact
telephone number (01732 462222). This will be received by CCTV staff, who will
then contact the after hours duty Housing officer.
London Borough of Bromley
Kent County District Council
Bromley Council's Environmental Services (020 8313 4621) deals
with problems such as potholes or visit their
Kent County Council (KCC) - the Highways Authority - (08458 247 800)
deals with problems such as potholes or trees across a road. Problems
can be reported via their website.
Sevenoaks District Council (01732 227000)
for large scale and small scale graffiti problems. In addition, large scale graffiti can be notified to Sevenoaks District Council by texting 07799 732732 with the word GRAF followed by the location of the graffiti.
Kent County Council's Highways Services (08458 247 800)
deals with gritting roads.
Kent County Council's Highways Services (08458 247 800)
deals with gritting roads.
Gully Cleaning
Sevenoaks District Council's Highways (01732 227326 / 227341)
Bees, Flies and Wasps
Sevenoaks District Council's Customer Services - 01732 227195.
Public Rights of Way
Contact the West Kent Area Office on 01732 872 892