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  1. Name

    The name of the Association shall be "Well Hill Residents' Association".

  2. Aims and Objects

    1. Non-sectarian and non-political.
    2. The protection of the interests of the individual and of the community.
    3. The improvement of the facilities and amenities of Well Hill and preservation of the agricultural character of the area.
    4. Stimulation of the social life of the community.
    5. Encouragement of high standards of architecture in the area and preservation of the GREEN BELT CONCEPT.
    6. Stimulate public interest in and care for the beauty, history and character of Well Hill and its immediate environment.
    7. Pursuit of these ends by means of meetings, lectures, exhibitions, publications and other forms of instruction, social activity and publicity.

  3. Membership

    Membership shall be open to all residents over the age of 16.

    Residents are defined as those persons living within the vicinity of Well Hill.

    If any member of the Association acts in such a way that his or her conduct is injurious to the aims and objects of the Association, that member may be expelled from' the Association. The power to expel a member will be in the hands of the Committee. Any member considered for expulsion shall be informed and given the opportunity to comment before any further action. The decision of the Committee in matters of this kind shall be final.

  4. Subscriptions

    The Annual Subscription shall be determined by the Committee.

  5. The General Meeting

    An Annual General Meeting shall be held in April each year.


    Last year's Minutes,
    Hon. Chairman's Report,
    Hon. Treasurer's Report, to include audited accounts made up to 31 March each year, Election of Officers,
    Election of Committee.

    Special General Meetings shall be held at the request of 15 members or more. 15 members personally present shall constitute a quorum for such a meeting.

  6. Officers

    The officers of the Association shall be :

    • Chairman,
    • Vice-Chairman,
    • Secretary,
    • Treasurer.

    Nominations for the election of Officers shall be made 7 days before the AGM. Such nominations shall be in writing supported by a seconder, the nominees' consent having first of all been obtained. Nominees must be members of the Association. Officers shall be elected annually but are eligible for re-election.

  7. Committee

    The Committee shall consist of the Officers and not more than 8 members. The Committee shall have power to co-opt members in an advisory but non-voting capacity, and further, to co-opt to fill a vacancy.

    Nominations for election shall be as for Officers (6 above). If nominations exceed vacancies a ballot shall take place. The Committee shall be responsible for running the affairs of the Association and shall make decisions on its behalf

    The Committee shall meet at least 10 times per year, 6 committee members personally present at such meetings shall constitute a quorum.

    If any Committee member shall have an interest in any matter to be discussed at a Committee Meeting then that member shall declare the interest and may be requested not to attend that meeting, or the relevant part thereof The Chairman's decision in matters of this kind shall be final.

  8. Appeals

    The Committee shall have power to make financial appeals, solicit donations and canvass gifts for carrying out the objects of the Association.

  9. Expenses and administration

    Out of Association funds, the Committee shall pay all proper expenses and shall use the residue as it thinks fit to assist the aims and objects of the Association.

  10. Amendments to the Constitution

    The Constitution may be amended by a 2/3rd majority at an AGM/Special GM, providing 10 days' notice be sent to all members and that no authorisation of expenditure of funds shall be contained therein.


Last Updated: 23 January, 2016
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