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2025-01-22   Big Waste Conversation - Consultation
Have your say on the future of our waste collection services by taking part in Sevenoaks' "BIG Waste Conversation" survey. The survey is open for eight weeks, closing at midnight on Monday 3 February 2025. If you know someone who wants to take part in the survey, but does not have digital access, they can call Sevenoaks District Council during office hours on 01732 227000 to complete the survey over the phone. Radio 4's "You and Yours" program has an interesting discussion on the different problems nationwide with Bin Collection and Recycling. The program can be accessed online at https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0025l4n - it was broadcast on the 3rd December 2024 and should also be available on the BBC Sounds App on your smart phone or smart TV. It may give you some ideas for the survey.

For more information see https://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/bigwaste

2024-12-07   Chelsfield Christmas Market
Saturday 7th December Chelsfield Village Hall - 11am to 4pm Christmas Market

2024-11-02   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location AND time.... Lullingstone Golf Course from 9:15am to 9:45am. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2024-03-09   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location AND time.... Lullingstone Golf Course from 9:15am to 9:45am. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-11-11   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location .... Lullingstone Golf Course from 10:45am to 11:15am. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-09-23   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location .... Lullingstone Golf Course from 10:45am to 11:15am. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-09-23   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Harvest Way, Crockenhill from 11:30am to 12 noon. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-07-15   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location .... Lullingstone Golf Course from 10:45pm to 11:15pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-03-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location .... Lullingstone Golf Course from 10:45pm to 11:15pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2023-02-11   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Note the new location .... Lullingstone Golf Course from 10:45pm to 11:15pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2022-12-15   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church THURSDAY 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. Due to an error on my part, the day and date of yesterday's email was incorrect. The day and date should have been Thursday the 15th. Sorry for the confusion. The correct details are ..... It starts on THURSDAY 15th December at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://www.stmartinchelsfield.org.uk/wellhill.html

2022-12-10   SCAMnesty month
Yes, you read that correctly. Due to the success of the campaign in 2020 and 2021, National Trading Standards' Friends Against Scams Team are again running a SCAMnesty (a scam mail amnesty) campaign aiming to encourage everyone in the UK to send in any unwanted scam and nuisance mail that they receive into the National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team completely free of charge. Just send the mail to NTSST, FREEPOST, MAIL MARSHALS. It is FREEPOST so you don't even need a stamp! Merry Christmas.

For more information see https://www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/Scamnesty

2021-09-02   Petition to save Well Hill Bus Stops
A petition has been started to save the closest bus stops to Well Hill. These stops include the bus stop at the Bo Peep Public House.

For more information see https://www.change.org/p/transport-for-london-tfl-retain-an-existing-threatened-bus-route

2021-08-27   Well Hill Bus Stops under threat of removal - Consultation ends 27th August
TFL are considering removing the three closest bus stops to Well Hill. These stops are at Bucks Cross Road, Maypole Road/Jubilee Road and Hewitts Road/Maypole Bo Peep Public House. If these stops are removed it will mean an additional walk of about 15 minutes to get to the bus stop at the 5 Bells. The full consultation can be found at https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/bus-route-r7 and includes an opportunity to respond. You can respond by email to haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk or FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (no stamp needed). Please note that there is a misleading statement in the consultation. TFL claims that they "extended the route [R7] from Orpington to Chelsfield Village" in 2016. What they have omitted to acknowledge is that the route from Orpington to Chelsfield was previously served by the R3 bus route. All TFL did was remove them from that route and add them to the R7 route instead!

For more information see https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/bus-route-r7

2021-08-13   Well Hill Bus Stops under threat of removal
TFL are considering removing the three closest bus stops to Well Hill. These stops are at Bucks Cross Road, Maypole Road/Jubilee Road and Hewitts Road/Maypole Bo Peep Public House. If these stops are removed it will mean an additional walk of about 15 minutes to get to the bus stop at the 5 Bells. The full consultation can be found at https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/bus-route-r7 and includes an opportunity to respond. Please note that there is a misleading statement in the consultation. TFL claims that they "extended the route [R7]from Orpington to Chelsfield Village" in 2016. What they have omitted to acknowledge is that the route from Orpington to Chelsfield was previously served by the R3 bus route. All TFL did was remove them from that route and add them to the R7 route instead! This is a major issue for our area and was featured on the BBC. The story is 14 minutes 30 seconds into the evening news.

For more information see https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000yq6n/bbc-london-evening-news-13082021

2021-06-04   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on the 4th June will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 5th June

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2021-05-31   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on the 31st May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 1st June

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2021-05-07   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 7th May will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 8th May

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2021-05-03   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on the 3rd May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 4th May

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2021-04-12   Bo-Peep open for outdoor eating and drinking
Subject to the HM Government's announcement on the 5th April, the Bo-Peep will re-open on Monday 12 April for outdoor drinkers and diners.

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/

2021-04-05   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on the 5th April will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 6th April

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2021-04-02   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 2nd April will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 3rd April

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2020-07-05   Music and Cream Tea at Well Hill Mission Church
On Sunday 7th July from 2:45 pm there will be music and a cream team - Al Fresco if the weather is fine. Music from Helen and Dave Griffiths - known as Burntwood.

2020-07-05   CANCELLED : Music and Cream Tea at Well Hill Mission Church
Sorry for any confusion. This event is definitely CANCELLED. On Sunday 5th July from 2:45 pm there will NOT be any music or cream team!

For more information see https://www.facebook.com/pg/burntwoodduo/events/

2020-02-10   RESIDENTS' MEETING to discus planning application for 8 new houses
RESIDENTS' MEETING MONDAY, 10TH FEB at 7.30pm at WELL HILL CHURCH A planning application (SE/20/00020/FUL) has recently been submitted to Sevenoaks District Council for 8 houses and an office unit to be built at Westwood Cottage, where currently there are a number of workshops. Shoreham Parish Council would like to canvass the views of residents before submitting their comments. They are hoping to get a Planning Enforcement Officer to attend the meeting. Please note that the deadline for comments on the Westwood Cottage application is 11th February - ie the day after the meeting. The Parish Council will ensure their comments are submitted immediately after the meeting in order to meet the deadline. All residents who wish to make comments themselves should submit them directly to Sevenoaks District Council via the Planning Portal online or by post. The plans and comments can be seen at https://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/ - use 20/00020 as the "keyword, reference number". Comments should preferably be submitted before the meeting in order to ensure that they are received before the deadline. The meeting will also discuss the other local planning issues, including Drummers Field and Little Trees. To find the Well Hill [Mission] Church, go to https://www.achurchnearyou.com/search/?lat=51.354542&lon=0.146334&place=Well+Hill%2C+Orpington+BR6+7PJ%2C+UK&text=

For more information see https://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/

2020-01-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by, what was, the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2019-12-18   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts on WEDNESDAY 18th December at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2019-08-17   Festival of Flight
Saturday and Sunday 17th and 18th August at Biggin Hill Airport. The airshow flying display is expected to include RAF Typhoon Jet Fighter, Breitling Jet Team and the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Twelve multi aircraft teams, a total of 49 aircraft will take to the skies. There is also a fun fair.

For more information see https://lbhacommunity.co.uk/faqs/

2019-07-20   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by, what was, the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2019-04-13   Guided Spring Walk
Circular Walk starting at St Martin's Church, Chelsfield, at 10am. Approximately 4 miles with a some stiles to cross. Teas and coffee served 9:30 to 12:30 Breakfast buns for sale at the Church from 11:30 to 12:30.

2019-04-13   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by, what was, the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. PLEASE NOTE that this is a week earlier than usual due to Easter. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct) - EXCEPT THIS MONTH due to Easter.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2019-01-04   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 4th January will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 5th January.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2018-12-28   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 28th December will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 29th December.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2018-12-24   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on 24th December will be collected TWO days EARLIER than usual on Saturday 22nd December. The 31st December collection will be on a Monday as usual.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2018-12-20   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts on THURSDAY 20th December at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2018-10-28   Halloween Magic at Lullingstone
Halloween Magic - 28th October. 12 noon to 7pm. An event for all ages with under 15's going FREE! Adults £10. Join Lullingstone for Halloween Magic on the last day of the season; pumpkin carving, spooky house, garden tours and Halloween inspired light bites in the cafe marquee - perfect for all the family. Tom will give garden tours at 1pm and dusk tour at 5pm, learn about the origins of pumpkins, colours and varieties and children can spot the Halloween tricks in eerie torchlight! Don't miss our Spooky House tours at 2pm and 6pm including tales of our resident ghost! Fancy dress is welcome - let's celebrate the end of our season in style! New for 2018, in the cafe marquee they will have a craft table for some arty painting and decorating of Halloween 'treat pots' for children to take home. £1 donation for the pumpkin carving. PLEASE NOTE: event access only via Lullingstone Roman Villa through the village (Shoreham Road entrance and car park closed for Halloween)

For more information see https://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/events/

2018-10-20   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Ex-Kent Hounds car park (by the now defunct Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. The Parish Clerk says that "I have asked SDC to ensure the driver waits for the gate to be unlocked this time and does not drive off as he did last time." So, get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2018-08-18   Festival of Flight
Celebrating 100 years of the RAF. Saturday and Sunday 18th and 18th August at Biggin Hill Airport. The airshow flying display is expected to include the Red Arrows, Royal Air Force Chinook, Rich Goodwin Pitts Special,Spitfire MkIX MH434, Hawker Hurricane, Bristol Blenheim, Battle of Britain Memorial Flight and many more. There is also a fun fair.

For more information see https://lbhacommunity.co.uk/faqs/

2018-06-17   Music and Cream Tea at Well Hill Mission Church
On Sunday 17th June from 2:45 pm there will be music and a cream team - Al Fresco is the weather is fine. Classical television themes, folk, pop and rock in unique arrangements for cello, electric cello and keyboards from Helen and Dave Griffiths - known as Burntwood. Tickets cost £7.50 and include the cream tea. Please bring you own picnic chair. Tickets are available from 01959 53 5022 Carol and Chris Courtney 01689 82 3749 Julia and Terry Sparks 01689 60 6738 Vera and Gerry Walker

2018-06-09   Summer Fete
St Martin's Summer Fete is on Saturday 9th June from noon to 4:30pm at the Rectory Gardens, Skibbs Lane, Chelsfield BR6 7RH. Admission is 1 Pound. There will be teas, Pimms tent, Bouncy Castle, Toys, Book, Plants, Bric-a-brac and Cakes. Plus! Well Wrangling, Football, Coconut Shy, Live Music. Bottles Stall, Raffle and lots more.

2018-06-03   National Garden Scheme
Garden open for Charity. 12 The Meadows, Chelsfield, Orpington, Kent BR6 6HS Sunday 3rd June 11am to 5.30pm Adults 4 Pounds; Children Free TEAS DOGS WELCOME PLANTS FOR SALE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS

For more information see http://ngs.org.uk

2018-06-01   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 1st June will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 2nd June.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2018-05-28   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on 28th May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 29th May.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2018-05-27   Medieval Magic at Lullingstone
Lullingstone Castle is transformed into a magical medieval village on the May Bank Holiday Sunday 27th and Bank Holiday 28th May (11am - 5pm) Step back in time to experience the authentic sights and sounds with "living history" displays (including live firing of cannons and mock battles), character dress, campfires, tents and medieval weapons, courtesy of the remarkable Woodvilles medieval re-enactment group. Children can also get involved with the archery sessions - fun for all the family! Visitors will see at 1pm the live firing of cannons and archery displays, 3pm is the medieval arena displays.

For more information see https://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/events/

2018-04-21   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2018-02-03   Litter Pick - Saturday 3rd February 10am
Jessie Reid has organised a small litter pick on Well Hill on Saturday the 3rd of Feb from 10am. Meet at the Rock and Fountain lay by or just pick some litter outside own house/lane.

2017-12-20   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts on WEDNESDAY 20th December at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2017-10-21   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2017-07-31   Super Fast Broadband
Well Hill Mission Church 7pm for 7:30pm George Chandler (BT) and Roger Gough KCC) will be there to give an update on the broadband situation and to answer any questions.

For more information see https://www.facebook.com/groups/252313664926159/

2017-07-15   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2017-07-08   Chelsfield Village Fair
Gates open at noon. Music until 6:30pm. The Fair this year is on Saturday 8th July 2016 - gates open at 12 noon and it takes place on Chelsfield Cricket Green BR6 7RN. Adults £3.50 and children under-14 FREE. Includes free programme. Expect Flying Displays, Birds of Prey, Croydon Steel Orchestra, Beer Tent, Hog Roast, Miniature Railway, Fun Fair and more than 70 stalls. It is raising funds for local good causes.

For more information see http://chelsfieldfair.com/

2017-06-18   Music and Cream Tea at Well Hill Mission Church
On Sunday 18th June from 2:45 pm there will be music and a cream team - Al Fresco is the weather is fine. Classical television themes, folk, pop and rock in unique arrangements for cello, electric cello and keyboards from Helen and Dave Griffiths - known as Burntwood. Tickets cost £7.50 and include the cream tea. Please bring you own picnic chair. Tickets are available from 01959 53 5022 Carol and Chris Courtney 01689 82 3749 Julia and Terry Sparks 01689 60 6738 Vera and Gerry Walker

2017-06-10   St. Martin's Church Fete from noon on Saturday 10th June
Saturday 10th June from 12 noon - St. Martin's church fete in the rectory gardens, Skibbs Lane. Would be lovely to see lots of people from Well Hill! Also if you have any good quality bits and pieces that you would be happy to donate to the bric a brac stall instead of taking them to a charity shop, please let Anne Ireland know.

2017-06-06   The Hop Shop has a vacancy for a Barista
Looking for a summer job and LOVE coffee? Something exciting is happening at The Hop Shop in the next few weeks and they are looking for someone who can confidently serve coffees and teas, plus can work weekends. To apply, please email info@hopshop.co.uk with your details and availability. They are also always interested to hear from helpful, enthusiastic people who would like to join they team over the busy summer season.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/newsletters/current/index.html

2017-06-02   Bank Holiday week Refuse Collection Date
The Friday refuse collection on 2nd June will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 3rd June.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2017-05-29   Bank Holiday Monday Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on 29th May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 30th May. The Friday refuse collection on 2nd June will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 3rd June.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2017-05-01   Bank Holiday Monday Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on 1st May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 2nd May. The Friday refuse collection on 5th May will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 6th May.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2017-04-17   Easter Monday Refuse Collection Date
The Monday refuse collection on 17th April will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 18th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2017-04-14   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collection on 14th April will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 15th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/collectiondays

2017-01-21   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2016-12-22   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts on THURSDAY 22nd December at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2016-11-17   Orpington Christmas celebration
Date: 17 Nov 2016 Location: Orpington High Street Time: 16:00 - 20:00 Cost: Free Orpington high street will be transformed once again, with a funfair, Christmas Market, and a stage providing live entertainment. The high street will be pedestrianised from the Memorial roundabout to Homefield Rise providing a safe, car free area for families to enjoy a fun packed evening of free entertainment! Come and meet Santa and his reindeer, who will be leading the lantern parade up to the stage for the countdown to a magnificent firework display.

For more information see http://www.orpington1st.co.uk/events/d/128357/light-up-orpington-2016/

2016-10-18   Hedge Trimming - Keeping Well Hill Tidy
David Gunn who cuts many hedges in Well Hill and the surrounding area will be doing a major cut in November. If you are not on his list and would like to have your hedge cut please contact him direct on 07831 22 46 31. David has being cutting hedges in Well Hill for more than 10 years and if we all do it at the same time Well Hill will look a tidier place.

2016-10-15   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2016-10-02   Theft from Pump Lane
On Sunday 2nd of October around 1:35pm. A KTM motorcycle was stolen from a residential garden. A silver Renault Clio was seen being used to take the motorbike away. If you have any information please contact the Kent Police on 101.

2016-09-18   Classic Car Show
Tripes Farm, Chelsfield Lane, BR6 7RS Sunday, 18 September, 2016 - 11:00 to 16:00 To raise funds for St Christophers Hospice. There will be over 500 exhibiting vehicles together with a shopping village, food and drinks and children’s entertainment. On-site parking and entrance is £5 adults, £15 a family under 12s are free. All income will go to St Christopher’s, your local Hospice.

For more information see http://www.stchristophers.org.uk/carshow

2016-07-28   Theft from Garage
On Thursday 28th of July between 3:00am and 6:30am. A garage at a residential property was broken into. Two Bosch drills and an impact driver were stolen. If you have any information please contact the Kent Police on 101.

2016-07-16   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. PLEASE NOTE that only normal household rubbish can be disposed of. Other items such as builders' rubble cannot use this service. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2016-07-16   Chelsfield Village Fair
Gates open at noon. Music until 6:30pm. The Fair this year is on Saturday 16th July 2016 - gates open at 12 noon and it takes place on Chelsfield Cricket Green BR6 7R. Adults £3.50 and children under-14 FREE. Includes free programme.

For more information see http://chelsfieldfair.com/

2016-07-08   Charity Coffee Morning
Owen Pine and Oak are hosting a charity coffee morning on the 8th of July from 10:30 am for Breast Cancer Care.

2016-07-01   It's Lavender Season at Castle Farm
The popular Lavender Tours are back, and start today! Throughout July Castle Farm will be running tours on selected weekdays (pre-booking necessary), and on the weekends (booking on arrival). See the link for dates and times.

For more information see http://hopshop.co.uk/event/?term=guided-lavender-tour&utm_source=The+Hop+Shop+General+Newsletter+List&utm_campaign=2b5a14f3fd-May_2016_copy_01_4_20_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_caf64cc156-2b5a14f3fd-327999293

2016-06-24   National Cream Tea Day
It's National Cream Tea Day on the 24th June and the Bo Peep are serving a fantastic Cream Tea! 3.30pm-5.00pm at the Bo Peep. £10 per person (with proceeds going to St Christopher's Hospice). Scones, Rodda's Clotted Cream, Tiptree Strawberry Jam and Fresh Strawberries, Tea and Coffee. Tickets available to buy at the bar.

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/national-cream-tea-day

2016-06-14   Attempted bugulary and assalt
Around noon on Tuesday 14th June, three males assaulted a grandfather who challenged them. He required hospital attention. The 3 males are associated with a stolen silver Mercedes, reg LV57NNF. If you see this car please contact the Kent Police on 101 quoting CAD number: 25622580

2016-06-09   Attempted outbuilding break-in Redmans Lane
Between 3:00pm on Thursday 9th of June and 6:00pm on Saturday 11th of June. Person/s have attempted to break into an outbuilding. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-26   Lullingstone Castle's Easter Events
2016 is a celebratory year for Lullingstone Castle as it is the 40th anniversary of opening Lullingstone Castle. For the new season they have a new cafe team and menu, with lots of delicious light refreshments for you to indulge in the castle marquee. Enjoy fun for all the family this Easter at Lullingstone Castle and The World Garden with their Easter Egg Quiz held on Easter Saturday 26th March.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/up-coming-events.html

2016-03-24   Keep Your Belongings Safe
As the clocks change and the evening get lighter and our thoughts turn to gardening don't forget that there are villains using the extra daylight hours to target sheds and other out buildings. Follow the link for Kent Police's advice on how you can help protect your property.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2016-Shed-Garage-Security-Leaflet.pdf

2016-03-14   Attempted shed break-in Parkgate Rd
Attempted shed break-in 10pm Monday on Parkgate Rd. Smashed window and damaged door lock. Suspect ran off and got into car that drove off at high speed when shed alarm sounded. Police notified. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-10   Another Theft from Shed
A shed/garage in Pump Lane was broken into some time between Wednesday 9th March Sunday (13th March) morning. They didn't take anything but did damage the door and lock. The Police have been notified. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-09   3 Thefts from Sheds and Suspicious Persons
Between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning 3 sheds were entered and items stolen. The sheds were at three different properties near the recycling area on Well Hill. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101. Also seen in the same area were three males, the youngest estimated to be 18 years old. They were behaving suspiciously. If you see them contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-09   Theft from car in Rock Hill
Between 6:00pm on Tuesday 8th of March and 3:30pm on Wednesday 9th of March. A SatNav has been stolen from a possible insecure car.. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-04   Theft from Garden Shed
On Friday 4th of March between 6:20am and 6:05pm. A shed at a residential property in Rock Hill was broken into. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-03-04   Attempted Theft from Van
On Friday 4th of March between 2:45pm and 3:00pm. An unsecured Fiat van parked in a driveway was entered by a man. The offender was challenged by the owner and ran off. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2016-02-22   Castle Farm Road closed for Essential Repairs
Castle Farm Road will be closed from 22 February 2016 for up to 5 days. The road will be closed at the junction with Redmans Lane. Alternative route is via Cockerhurst Road and Redmans Lane. The closure is to enable essential network repairs to be carried out by Thames Water.

2016-02-12   Register for Superfast Cable Broadband
If you are interested in Superfast (200Mbps) broadband - that is 20 times faster than CallFlow and 200 times faster than BT go to http://cablemystreet.virginmedia.com/#!/cablemystreet and register your interest.

For more information see http://cablemystreet.virginmedia.com/#!/cablemystreet

2016-01-16   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2015-12-20   Lost Cat
There is a stray cat in the Chelsfield area which has been wandering between various houses looking for food. The cat is nervous around people it does not know. If you think it could be yours please email lostcat15@whra.org.uk me with a description.

2015-12-16   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts on Wednesday at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2015-12-11   BT Broadband
Could you help improve the BT Broadband Service in Well Hill and the surrounding area? Every time you have a drop out with BT Broadband, phone the engineer. Without lots of residents complaining to BT the BT service will be patchy for some residents. Christmas is not a time to be without an Internet connection so please help your neighbours who are currently experiencing no service from BT by adding your weight to the problem. Have a happy Christmas.

2015-12-07   Road Closure - Well Hill
It will be necessary to close Well Hill from 7th December 2015. It is likely the road will be closed for up to 1 Day. The alternative route is via Park Gate Road, Skeets Hill Lane, Skibbs Lane, Bucks Cross Lane, Hawstead Lane, Rock Hill and vice versa. This is to enable permanent repairs to carriageway potholes to be carried out by Kent county council.

2015-11-08   Theft of Gardening Equipment
Between 12:00pm on Friday 30th of October and 10:00pm on Sunday 8th of November. A shed of a property in Well Hill was entered and gardening equipment was taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-10-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Our best efforts suggest that the freighter will be at the Well Hill recycling area at 11:15. This is based on information from Sevenoaks District Council and the fact that the Badgers Mount website show their collection an hour earlier. The Parish Council website still does not mention the Well Hill collection time! Free Saturday Refuse Collection Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2015-10-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
It is not clear if Well Hill will be getting the freighter on Saturday 17th October. The Parish Council Website only shows a collection in Shoreham Village and there is a rumour it may be collecting at Well Hill at 10:15 (earlier than the usual 11:15). If anyone has the definitive answer please let us know so that we can publicise it. You may wish to contact the clerk on 07912 611048 or clerk2010@shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk to find out if we are getting this collection. Other contact details for the council can be found at http://www.shorehampc.kentparishes.gov.uk/default.cfm?pid=2595 You might want to remind them that Well Hill and Cockerhurst residents contribute around 8,000 Pounds (it may be more) to the council coffers and that we ought to know what is happening.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2015-10-15   Theft of Chain Saw
Between 11:59pm on Thursday 15th of October and 7:30am on Friday 16th of October. A Stihl chainsaw, a table saw, and two Hitach drills were among items stolen from the garden of a residential property where building work was in progress. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-09-25   Macmillan Coffee Morning
As part of the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan, please come along to The Bo Peep on Friday 25th September 2015 From 10:00am - bring your friends, everyone is welcome

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/macmillan-coffee-morning

2015-09-20   Classic Car Show
Tripes Farm, Chelsfield Lane, BR6 7RS Sunday, 20 September, 2015 - 11:00 to 16:00 To raise funds for St Christophers Hospice. The third hospice fundraising car show featuring over 400 classic, interesting and modified vehicles, plus arena shows, kids' activities, stalls, bar, BBQ and entertainment for all ages. Public entrance £5 per person including programme, Families £15 and Under 12s free, with plenty of free public car parking. (Public tickets not sold in advance - just show up on the day!). For more information email carshow@stchristophers.org.uk or call the Fundraising Team on 01689 825755

For more information see http://www.stchristophers.org.uk/carshow

2015-09-20   Rolls Royce Car Rally
Sunday 20th September 12pm -5pm This year's annual gathering by the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club (South East section) will take place on Sunday 20th September at Lullingstone Castle. Around 30 classic Rolls Royce cars will adorn the main lawn, time to admire the cars and meet their proud owners. Visitors will also have the opportunity to watch the Eynsford, Farningham and Lullingstone Croquet Final and see Guy Hart Dyke present the cup to the winners

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/340

2015-09-13   Plant, Craft and Wildlife Fair
Sunday 13th September 11am - 5pm Enjoy shopping in Lullingstone Castles's historic grounds and at your leisure browse a choice of local crafts, jewellery, fresh produce and plant stalls. West Kent Badger Group will also be on hand to share their conservation work with visitors. There will also be showcasing a host of floral delights from local growers and their very own specialist nursery.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/331

2015-09-12   Saving Our Bumblebees
Ruxley Beekeepers present a talk by Professor Dave Goulson on Saturday 12th September 2015 at Orpington Village Hall 311 High St, Orpington BR6 0NN starting at 3pm. See the link for booking details.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2105-Bumblebee-talk.htm

Saturday 12th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. Setup is from 9:30am and viewing from 2pm. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2015.pdf Additional schedules and enquiries from Catherine 01689 831826 or Chris 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/schedule-2015.htm

2015-09-12   Crockenhill Harvest Fayre, Craft and Produce Show
Saturday 12th September from 12 noon. There will be a beer tent, BBQ and Music with Warren Street Six Jazz Band. Auction at 3pm and dog show at 4.30pm

2015-09-11   Apple Season at Castle Farm
The ORCHARDS are opening for P.Y.O. on FRIDAY 11th SEPTEMBER 10am - 5pm and thereafter on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until mid October (closing date TBC). Norfolk Royal apples are ready for picking. Cox apples tend to ripen about a week later than the Norfolk Royals but store well if picked early. You can also buy ready-picked local Bramley apples, pears, sweetcorn and Kent cobnuts from the orchard hut and in The Hop Shop. Please note, on days when the weather is wet and the ground conditions unsuitable for parking, we may decide to close the orchard and only have apples available at the shop. If in doubt, phone to check - 01959 523219.

For more information see http://hopshop.co.uk/

2015-09-06   Group Dog Training Classes
Chelsfield Village Green 10.00-11.00am Contact Julie 07717 606506 oldfieldjulie@aol.com IMDT Qualified

2015-08-07   Chris Gregory has passed away
It is with deep regret that we have to inform you that Chris Gregory passed away last Wednesday(22nd July). She had lung cancer. Her funeral is on 7 August at Eastbourne Crematorium. Chris was a long term resident of Well Hill and the WHRA committee before she moved away a few years ago. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.

2015-07-30   New Play Area at Lullingstone Park
The new play area at Lullingstone Country Park will be officially opening to the public on Thursday 30 July 2015 at 3.00pm; with the first 50 children receiving a free goody bag!

For more information see http://www.kent.gov.uk/leisure-and-community/parks-and-outdoor-activities/lullingstone-country-park

2015-07-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2015-07-11   Chelsfield Village Fair
Gates open at noon. Music until 6:30pm. The Fair opens for a little longer this year with the Force 10 Big Band rounding off the afternoon, taking over from the wonderful Croydon Steel Orchestra who open the Fair, and we are delighted to welcome back Eagle Heights for another birds of prey flying display. Our Fun Fair should be bigger and better this year so plenty for the kids, and those with little regard for their digestion to enjoy.

2015-07-08   Broadband Survey
Could you help improve the Broadband Service in Well Hill and the surrounding area? Please follow the link to http://www.whra.org.uk/survey.html and answer 10 or LESS questions. You do not need to identify yourself in this survey but we will need your postcode so that we know the approximate area of Well Hill that experiences the worst service. This short survey will only take a few minutes and will help us put pressure on those providers that need to improve their service.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/survey.html

2015-06-30   Bicycle Theft
Between 10:30pm on Tuesday 30th of June and 12:00pm on Wednesday 1st of July. An insecure shed to a property in Well Hill was entered and two bicycles stolen. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-06-20   Copper cable theft
On Saturday 20th of June around 4:23pm. Five metres of copper earthing cable were stolen from an electricity substation. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-04-17   Meet your next MP
2015 HUSTINGS (Sevenoaks Constituency) St Peter's Church, College Road, Hextable, BR8 7RH. Friday 17 April 2015 7:00pm for 7:30pm start. Come and meet your local candidates. St Peter's Church Hextable is hosting a Political Husting meeting of five of the Sevenoaks candidates in the General Election for this Parliamentary Constituency at 7pm on Friday 17th April. This is being arranged by the Churches Together in Swanley and District. The programme and timings are:- Arrival from 7PM for refreshments and an opportunity to hand in your written questions on both National and Local issues. The debate will commence promptly at 7.30PM with each candidate invited to introduce themselves. The Chair will then introduce questions on National issues with a mid-evening break at 8.45PM to receive any further written questions. The evening will then recommence with questions on Local issues and finish by 10PM. Do tell your local friends and neighbours about this open evening for our community. Meeting is expected to finish around 10.15pm.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2015_Hustings_programme_and_questions.pdf

2015-04-15   AGM
The Well Hill Residents' Association AGM will be held at The Mission Church from 7:30pm. Guest speakers include local PCSO, councillors and political representatives.

2015-04-09   Pirate Radio knocks out Broadband
The 2 hour broadband outage today was caused by a Pirate Radio station tapping into the power supply for the Well Hill mast. If you saw anything suspicious this morning contact the police.

2015-04-04   Lullingstone Castle's Easter Egg Hunt
Enjoy fun for all the family this Easter at Lullingstone Castle and The World Garden with our Easter Egg Hunt held on Easter Saturday 4th April until Easter Monday 6th April; 12 noon until 5pm. Aspiring plant hunters will be able to scour the World Garden, searching through the different continents for Easter trail clues and then report on their discoveries to claim their Easter egg surprise. Experience all the floral delights of spring in the World Garden containing some 8,000 plant species, cultivars and hybrids planted in their respective countries of origin. Children also have the chance to meet the Easter characters including the famous "Cockerel" and some new friends for 2015 who will be on hand to help you navigate your way through the garden and grounds.Tickets are £.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/275

2015-03-25   M25 Inspectors Report
See the following link for an extract of the Inspector's report about lighting on the M25. The report is from before the M25 route was decided upon.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/m25-dandag.htm

2015-03-22   Property Damage in Parkgate Road
Between 4:30pm on Sunday 22nd of March and 6:00am on Monday 23rd of March. At a premises a gate was damaged. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-03-13   Biggin Hill Airport consultation on extending operating hours
Bromley Council's consultation on Biggin Hill Airport Limited's proposal to extend the operating hours at the airport will end on Friday 13th March. If you wish to respond to this consultation, visit http://www.bromley.gov.uk/bigginhillairport where full details about the proposals can be viewed and the survey filled in online. The survey does have scope for comments but individuals and groups can e-mail additional comments to airport.consultation@bromley.gov.uk if needed. Please note that consultation formally closes on Friday 13th March at 17.00 hours. The results of this consultation will then be presented to the Council's Executive for their consideration alongside BHAL's proposal and other commentary.

For more information see http://www.bromley.gov.uk/bigginhillairport

2015-02-05   CallFlow Maintenance
Engineers are completing an upgrade to the network and there may be an interruption to CallFlow's broadband service between the times of 3pm - 4:30 pm.

2015-01-29   Huge Cannabis Factory Uncovered on Rock Hill
A huge cannabis factory which would yield a potential annual income of £250,000 has been uncovered by Bromley Police.

For more information see http://content.met.police.uk/News/Huge-cannabis-factory-uncovered-in-Chelsfield/1400029628537/1257246741786

2015-01-29   Hay bales stolen from Firmingers
Between 4:00pm on Wednesday 28th of January and 1:00pm on Thursday 29th of January. Hay bales were stolen from a field in Firmingers Road. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2015-01-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2015-01-16   Biggin Hill Airport consultation on extending operating hours
Bromley Council's consultation is now underway following Biggin Hill Airport Limited's proposal to extend the operating hours at the airport. Please respond to this consultation by visiting http://www.bromley.gov.uk/bigginhillairport where full details about the proposals can be viewed and the survey filled in online. The survey does have scope for comments but individuals and groups can e-mail additional comments to airport.consultation@bromley.gov.uk if needed. As part of the consultation process Bromley Council are distributing a letter and survey to all households across the borough as a way of ensuring that all residents are alerted and have access to the information that is being presented. Please note that consultation formally closes on Friday 13th March at 17.00 hours. The results of this consultation will then be presented to the Council's Executive for their consideration alongside BHAL's proposal and other commentary.

For more information see http://www.bromley.gov.uk/bigginhillairport

2015-01-12   Trains not stopping at London Bridge until August 2016
From 12 January 2015 to August 2016, Southeastern services to and from Charing Cross will not call at London Bridge. Some services that currently operate to Charing Cross or Cannon Street will be diverted to an alternative London terminal, such as Blackfriars and may leave at different times. Please check the new timetable.

For more information see http://www.thameslinkprogramme.co.uk/key-dates-and-service-changes/january-2015/

2014-12-22   Carols and Mince Pies at the Bo Peep
Monday 22nd December from 7pm - Carols and Mince Pies at the Bo Peep with the proceeds going to the Motor Neuron Disease Association. Christmas Jumpers are welcome and there will be a prize for the best one!

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com

2014-12-17   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2014-12-11   Police and Crime Plan
The London Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) and the Metropolitan Police Service are visiting Bromley to talk about the progress made against the "Police and Crime Plan" and hear local peoples' views on policing in the capital. Stephen Greenhalgh, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Assistant Commissioner Helen King and local Borough Commanders will be at Bromley Civic Centre in Stockwell Close on 11th December 2014. The Leader of Bromley Council Cllr Stephen Carr will chair the meeting. Doors open at 6pm, Event starts at 6:30pm.

For more information see http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/policing-crime/police-and-crime-plan

2014-12-03   CallFlow Maintenance
On Wednesday 3rd December between 10am and noon there is expected to be interruption to the CallFlow Broadband service for those on the 01959 53xxxx telephone exchange while work is carried out in Well Hill. Other Broadband services (e.g. BT) is not affected.

For more information see http://www.callflowsolutions.com

2014-11-24   Christmas Tree Farm
The Well Hill Christmas Tree Farm is open for choose/reserve/take away Christmas trees from now until Sunday December 14th seven days a week.

For more information see http://www.southlondonchristmastreefarm.co.uk

2014-11-20   CQC report for Chelsfield Surgery
The Quality Care Commission "Intelligent Monitoring Report" for Chelsfield Surgery, 62 Windsor Drive is available. See the link below.

For more information see http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/1-542721732%20GP%20IM%20V101.pdf

2014-11-20   CQC report for The Family Surgery
The Quality Care Commission "Intelligent Monitoring Report" for The Family Surgery, 7 High Street, Green Street Green is available. See the link below.

For more information see http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/1-562770479%20GP%20IM%20V101.pdf

2014-11-20   CQC report for Green Street Green Medical Centre
The Quality Care Commission "Intelligent Monitoring Report" for Green Street Green Medical Centre, 21-21a High Street, Green Street Green is available. See the link below.

For more information see http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/1-584856305%20GP%20IM%20V101.pdf

2014-11-12   Traveller Site Planning Appeal
The Secretary of State dismisses the appeal and refuses planning permission.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2014-firmingers-road-planning-decision.pdf

2014-11-06   Autumn Newsletter
The Autumn Newsletter is available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2014-11.pdf

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2014-11.pdf

2014-11-05   Burglary in Parkgate Road
Between 7:00pm on Wednesday 5th of November and 6:45am on Thursday 6th of November. An outbuilding on the golf course was broken into and among items taken were some power gardening tools. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2014-10-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2014-09-25   Macmillan Coffee Morning
As part of the Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan, please come along to The Bo Peep on Thursday 25th September 2014 From 10:00am - bring your friends, everyone is welcome

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/macmillan-coffee-morning

FARNINGHAM and EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY EXHIBITION FARNINGHAM VILLAGE HALL Saturday, AUGUST 30 11 a.m. - 4 p.m Portrayal of life for those left at home during the First World War, 1914-1918, in Crockenhill, Eynsford, Farningham and Lullingstone. The last of three chances to see how involved in the war effort our communities were - you will be surprised! Light refreshments will be available.

FARNINGHAM and EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY EXHIBITION EYNSFORD BAPTIST CHURCH Saturday, AUGUST 23 11 a.m. - 4 p.m Portrayal of life for those left at home during the First World War, 1914-1918, in Crockenhill, Eynsford, Farningham and Lullingstone. The second of three chances to see how involved in the war effort our communities were - you will be surprised! Light refreshments will be available.

FARNINGHAM and EYNSFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY EXHIBITION CROCKENHILL VILLAGE HALL Saturday, AUGUST 16 11 a.m. - 4 p.m Portrayal of life for those left at home during the First World War, 1914-1918, in Crockenhill, Eynsford, Farningham and Lullingstone. The first of three chances to see how involved in the war effort our communities were - you will be surprised! Light refreshments will be available.

2014-07-29   Meet the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable
Come and put your questions to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable of Kent Police, Alan Pughsley, on Tuesday 29th July 2014 at the Alexandra Suite, St Mary's Road, Swanley, Kent, BR8 7BU. Local police officers will also be in attendance to answer any specific operational policing matters. Registration is from 6pm for a 6:30pm start and the question session will end around 8pm. Follow the link below to book your place.

For more information see http://www.kent-pcc.gov.uk/meetthecommissionerandchiefconstable.html

2014-07-24   Bromley School Holidays start
Roads should be less congested around 9am!

For more information see http://www.bromley.gov.uk/info/200086/schools_and_colleges/22/school_term_dates/2

2014-07-19   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2014-07-13   7th Annual Well Hill Musical Concert
Well Hill Mission Church on Sunday 13th July. The very popular Annual Classical Concert will be performed by The Thames Gateway Quartet. Weather permitting it will be held in the lovely church gardens. The tickets are priced at £6 and includes delicious tea and cakes. All profits will go towards the Mission Church. Please contact the following for tickets
Carol and Chris Courtney 01959 535022
Wendy and Norman McDonnell 01959 534310
Julia and Terry Sparkes 01689 823749
Vera and Gerry Walker 01689 606738
Book early to save dissapointment

2014-07-02   Shoreham Parish Council Meeting at Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council hold a meeting at the Well Hill Mission Church once a year. This year's meeting will be from 7:30pm in the Well Hill Mission Church at which the public can attend. There is usually a chance for members of the public to ask questions around 9pm.

For more information see http://www.shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk

2014-06-07   Church Fete
Saturday 7th June at the Rectory, Skibbs Lane. 12 noon to 4.30 pm

2014-05-18   Lullingstone Park Open Day
Sunday 18th May is Open Day at Lullingstone Park Visitors Centre - from 11am to 3pm with lots of free activities. This includes pond-dipping and scavenger hunts. Join their education rangers to take part in camp fire cooking, or why not join one the bush craft events? Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information call 0300 333 6486

2014-05-13   Burglary at stables
Between Tuesday 13th of May at 20:30 and Wednesday 14th of May at 06:30 at a stables in Parkgate Road some saddlery equipment was taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/009454/14

2014-05-12   Urgent or Emergency Road Closure - Well Hill
A rather contradictory email has been received regarding a road closure of Well Hill. See if you can make sense of it and if not, email Manjit.Jagpal@kent.gov.uk for clarification! "It will be necessary to close Well Hill, Shoreham from 12th May 2014. "It is likely the road will be closed for up to 1 day. "The road will be closed between the junction of Rock Hill and Skeet Hill Lane. "The alternative route is via: Firmingers Road, Rock Hill. "This is to enable pothole patching works to be carried out by Enterprise working with Kent County Council."

2014-05-09   May Day Bank Holiday Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collection on 9th May will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 10th May.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2014-05-05   May Day Bank Holiday Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on 5th May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 6th May.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2014-05-03   Burglary to outbuilding
Between 08:00 and 15:00 on Saturday 3rd of May, there was a break in to an outbuilding belonging to a farm on Well Hill. It is not believed anything was taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/008729/14

2014-04-27   Spring In Bloom competition
Green-fingered gardeners are being encouraged to take part in Sevenoaks District's first ever "In Bloom Competition". Sevenoaks District Council has teamed up with Coolings Nurseries in Knockholt to launch the free-to-enter competition. In fact everyone who takes part will be given a £5 voucher to spend at Coolings. The competition is open to both novice and expert gardeners with large or small gardens, allotments or even a just window box or pot showing how they are helping to make the Sevenoaks District an even greener place to live. Competitors should enter by Friday 20 June with judging taking place in July and August. Coolings Nurseries vouchers will be presented to the winners. News and updates on the competition can be found at the following link:

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inbloom

2014-04-25   WHRA AGM Report from Roger Gough
Kent County Councillor Roger Gough was delayed by the fatal accident on the M26 and did not arrive until after the conclusion of the AGM. Roger has kindly sent the main points of the report that he would have given at the AGM. This can be found by following the link.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2014_WHRA_AGM_Report_from_Roger_Gough.pdf

2014-04-23   Shoreham Annual Parish Meeting
You are invited as an ELECTOR of SHOREHAM Parish to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 23 April 2014 at 7:30pm. Shoreham Village Hall.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2014_Annual_Parish_Meeting_Agenda_Final.pdf

2014-04-22   Burglary
Between Tuesday 22nd of April at 19:00 and Wednesday 23rd of April at 06:10 at a premises in Parkgate Road a shed was entered and a Red/Black Tym tractor was taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/008067/14

2014-04-21   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on 21st April will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 22nd April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2014-04-18   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collection on 18th April will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 19th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2014-04-16   AGM
The Well Hill Residents' Association AGM will be held at The Mission Church from 7:30pm. Guest speakers include Roger Gough from Kent County Council and a representative from Kent Police.

2014-04-14   Easter "eggstravaganza" family fun days
During the Easter school holidays parents and children can take advantage of free, "Family Fun Days" throughout the District. Organised by Sevenoaks District Council, four fun days will take place giving children and young people the chance to try out Easter themed craft making, face painting, games, sport and more in a friendly, safe environment. No booking is required for these free events, families can simply turn up and enjoy what's on offer! Children must be supervised by a parent or carer at all times. The nearest Family Fun days will be held on Monday 14 April, 10am to 2pm, Otford Recreation Ground.

2014-04-12   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2014-04-11   Burglary to shed
Between 09:00 and 11:20 on Friday 11th of April, a shed at the rear of a property in Skeet Hill Lane was broken into and a strimmer, blower and generator taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/007155/14

2014-04-11   Burglary
Between Sunday 6th of April at 19:00 and Friday 11th of April at 12:00 a garage located off Daltons Road was broken into and items taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/007961/14

2014-03-29   The Big Cheese Making Kits
New in at The Hop Farm are Cheese-Making Kits - a great idea to try at home, giving you freshly made cheese whenever you want it. Choose from Mozzarella and Ricotta, Goat's Cheese or Scottish Crowdie. Each kit makes 10 batches and they have a long shelf life. Just add milk!

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2014-02-05   Traveller Site Planning Appeal
The Appeal Hearing for the planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmingers (Rock Hill end) will be held at Sevenoaks District Council Office from 10am On Wednesday 5th February. The usual format of a hearing is for arguments to be held in the morning with summing up and a site visit in the afternoon.

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2206402&coid=98880

2014-02-02   Attempted burglary to garage
Between 19:00 and 19:55 on Sunday 2nd of February a garage of a property in Rock Hill was damaged in an attempt to enter. No access gained. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/002236/14

2014-01-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-12-19   Christmas Social- Chelsfield Village Hall 8pm
Thursday 19th December Chelsfield Village Hall Village Christmas Social Bring some food and drink to share. Starts at 8.00pm

2013-12-19   Christmas Carols - Five Bells 8:15pm
Thursday 19th December Five Bells Phil's Carol Bash Come and be part of this Great Ding Dong! This year might have help from Julius and Cynthia Starts 8.15pm

2013-12-18   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2013-12-07   Christmas Sale- Chelsfield Village Hall
Saturday 7th December Chelsfield Village Hall Christmas Sale This is not a boot sale but an opportunity for residents to sell their products and crafts locally. In aid of the kitchen fund 10am to 12.30pm. To book a table costs £6.00. Contact Anne 01689 826349

2013-11-25   Last day to comment on the Traveller Site Planning Appeal
The planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end) was refused and an appeal was lodged against that refusal. Comments can be made online by following the link to http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2206402;coid=98880 and must be lodged before 25th November.

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2206402;coid=98880

2013-11-12   General Meeting about Planning Appeal for a Traveller site in Well Hill
There will be a General Meeting in the Mission Church on Tuesday 12th November at 7.30 p.m. to discuss the Appeal for planning permission on the Travellers Site at Fountain Farm, Firmingers

For more information see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MMGWTNBK8V000

2013-11-09   Sevenoaks Fireworks with Free Parking
Saturday 9th November Free parking for Sevenoaks fireworks Sevenoaks District Council and Sencio Community Leisure are offering free parking in Sevenoaks town this Saturday evening (9 November 2013) to give residents even more reason to come along to the Sevenoaks Charity Fireworks. Residents can park for free in all Sevenoaks District Council car parks and on-street parking from 4.30pm, as well as the Sevenoaks leisure centre car park. A funfair and stalls will open along the high street from 5pm and the fireworks display starts at 8pm. Organised by Sevenoaks Round Table, this annual event has been stepped up a notch this year, with all proceeds going to local good causes. Residents should remember that although parking will be free of charge all other parking restrictions will continue to be enforced. Those looking to attend should book tickets in advance though www.sevenoaksfireworks.co.uk, where more information is also available.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaksfireworks.co.uk

2013-11-07   Appeal Lodged against Planning Refusal for Traveller Site in Well Hill
The planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end) was refused in September and the applicants have now lodged an appeal against that refusal. Comments can be made online by following the link to http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2206402;coid=98880 and must be lodged before 25th November.

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2206402;coid=98880

2013-11-07   Attempted burglary to outbuilding
Between Monday 4th of November at 16:30 and Thursday 7th of November at 11:30, there was an attempted break in to an outbuilding in Redmans Lane. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/022327/13.

2013-10-26   Quiz Night - Chelsfield Village Hall
Saturday 26th October Chelsfield Village Hall Quiz Night In aid of the kitchen fund Starts 7.30pm Tickets £6.00 from Anne 01689 826349 Come as a team or single. Bring your own drinks, light refreshments will be provided.

2013-10-24   Suspicious Vehicle
A small ford van registration Y388NHB with two occupants were in and out of sheds and outbuildings of a farm in Cockerhurst. When challenged they said that they were looking for old gas bottles. They were obviously casing the farm. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101.

2013-10-21   Attempted Burglary
Between Thursday 17th of October at 12:00 and Monday 21st of October at 11:00 sheds belonging to a property in Skeet Hill Lane had their padlocks damaged. Nothing appears to have been taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/020992/13.

2013-10-21   Burglary
Between Sunday 20th of October at 18:00 and Monday 21st of October at 13:30 a garden strimmer was taken.from an outbuilding in Daltons Road. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/021193/13.

2013-10-20   Leslie Virgo Memorial Service
On Sunday 20th October in the Brass Crosby Room for a Memorial tea at 4:30pm followed by a Memorial Service in St Martins Church at 6:30pm for Cannon Leslie Virgo. Leslie was a long standing rector for Well Hill and Chelsfield.

2013-10-19   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-10-17   Local History Group
Thursday 17th October in the Brass Crosby Room of Chelsfield Church from 10.30am. The Local History Group meets on the third Thursday of every month.

2013-10-12   Opera Evening - Five Bells
An evening of good food and great music. Booking is essential.

2013-10-10   Appeal Lodged against Planning Refusal for Traveller Site in Well Hill
The planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end) was refused in September and the applicants have now lodged an appeal against that refusal. More news when it becomes available later.

For more information see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MMGWTNBK8V000

2013-09-29   Stephen Lindsay elected as District Councillor
Stephen Lindsay (UKIP) was elected as the Sevenoaks District Councillor for the Crockenhill and Well Hill Ward. This was a by-election after the recent death of Jenny Dibsdall.

For more information see http://cds.sevenoaks.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=574

2013-09-09   Traveller Site Planning Application REFUSED
The planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end) has been refused. Follow the link for the decision letter.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013-Traveller_site_refusal_full-decision.pdf

Saturday 7th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. Setup is from 9:30am and viewing from 2pm. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2013.pdf Additional schedules and enquiries from Catherine 01689 831826 or Chris 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2013.pdf

2013-09-06   All for jobs and jobs for all
Jobseekers in the area are being encouraged to attend Swanley Jobs Fair, organised by local MP Michael Fallon and sponsored by Sevenoaks District Council. A number of prominent local businesses and employers have signed up so far, including the Sevenoaks-based investment specialists the Foresight Group, and sustainable housing company United House. This free event will be held on Friday 6 September from 10am to 3pm in the Alexandra Suite on St Mary's Road, Swanley. Attendees are encouraged to bring several copies of their CV along as Babcock Careers Guidance will be running a workshop aimed at honing CVs for potential employers Various other skills workshops and seminars will also be held as part of the fair, with details of these soon to be released on the Swanley Jobs Fair website.

For more information see http://www.swanleyjobsfair.com

2013-09-01   Shoreham Heavy Horse Show
Shoreham Heavy Horse Show is set to provide the latest opportunity for to have a free health check. The Shoreham Heavy Horse Show will provide family fun with the centrepiece heavy horse demonstrations, as well as children's activities and vintage car and tractor displays. Held on Sunday 1 September, entrance costs £8 for adults, £6 for senior citizens and £4 for children. Sevenoaks District Council will be on hand to provide free health checks, healthy food demonstrations and advice. You can also cycle your way to making a fruit smoothie with the Council's popular Smoothie Bike. The free health checks are eligible to anyone aged 40 to 74 who has not had a health check in the last five years or has already been diagnosed with an existing health condition. For further information about the Council's health services at this event telephone 01732 227000.

For more information see http://www.lionsclub-sevenoaks.co.uk/page8.html

2013-08-26   Summer Bank Holiday Refuse Collection Dates
The refuse collection from Monday 26th August to Friday 30th August will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 27th to Saturday 31st August.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2013-08-23   World of Grasses
Lullingstone Castle's World Garden will be celebrating the woefully underrated grasses family. Their unique value to gardens and some fascinating stories about their uses at the World of Grasses event 23rd - 26th August.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/

2013-08-23   Notice of Election
An election is to be held of a district councillor for the Crockenhill and Well Hill Ward of the Sevenoaks District Council. Nomination papers and further information may be obtained from the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks or by telephone on 01732 227242 or by e-mail to elreg@sevenoaks.gov.uk. If the election is contested, the poll will take place on Thursday, 26th September 2013.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013-Notification_of_election_SDC.pdf

2013-08-18   Picnic and Rounders Match
On Sunday the 18th of August the Well Hill Residents association have organised a picnic and rounders match on Chelsfield Village Green at 12.30pm. We believe this is a chance for old and new residents to get together. Even if you are not interested in playing rounders please come and join us with your picnic, blankets, Gazebo's and glass of wine. A £1 donation would be much appreciated per adult. Family and friends are most welcome.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013-Picnic-and-Rounders-Flyer.pdf

2013-08-12   Deadline to Comment on a Planning Application for Traveller Site in Well Hill
A planning application has been submitted for Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end). Comments must be received by Sevenoaks District Council before 12th Aug 2013.

For more information see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MMGWTNBK8V000

2013-08-05   Meeting to Discus the Planning Application for a Traveller Site in Well Hill
There will be a public meeting at the Mission Church on Monday 5th August at 7:30pm to discuss the planning application for a Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end). Follow the link for the Well Hill Residents' Association's objection to this development.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013_WHRA_response_to_traveller_site_planning_application.txt

2013-07-29   Criminal Damage To Signs in Firmingers
Between Sunday 28th of July at 20:00 and Monday 29th of July at 09:30, two signs at the front of a property in Firmingers Road were daubed with graffiti. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/014683/13.

2013-07-27   Celebration of Plant Hunters
Lullingstone Castle's World Garden have their annual celebration of Plant Hunters over the weekend of 27th/28th July. This year they have a competition for the best Plant Hunter's Hat! Visitors can also see Aboriginal art-inspired geckos painted on eucalyptus trees in the Australia section.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/219

2013-07-22   Planning Application for Traveller site with associated development
A planning application has been submitted for Traveller site by Fountain Farm on Firmiingers (Rock Hill end). Comments must be received by Sevenoaks District Council before 12th Aug 2013.

For more information see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MMGWTNBK8V000

2013-07-22   Vacancy on Shoreham Parish Council
A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor to represent Well Hill and Cockerhurst on Shoreham Parish Council. An election to fill the vacancy will be held if ten electors request one. If an election is not requested by 8th August Shoreham Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/Notice_of_vacancy_The_Well_Hill_Hundreds.pdf

2013-07-22   Vacancy on Crockenhill Parish Council
A vacancy exists for a Parish Councillor on Crockenhill Parish Council. An election to fill the vacancy will be held if ten electors request one. If an election is not requested by 8th August Crockenhill Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillpc.org.uk/

2013-07-20   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-07-20   Theft from Rock Hill
Between Friday 19th of July at 21:30 and Saturday 20th of July at 11:00 at a property in Rock Hill some slabs were removed from the top of a wall. This is a repeat crime. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/014078/13

2013-07-18   Theft from car at Lullingstone Visitors Centre
Between 09:30 and 10:45 on Thursday 18th of July, a car in the car park of the visitor centre in Castle Road was broken into and items taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/013797/13

2013-07-13   Chelsfield Village Fair
Saturday 13th July - Chelsfield Village Fair 12-4:30pm Chelsfield Village Hall It will include Corps of Drums, Eagle Heights Birds of Prey, Soccer Skills Academy, Steel Band, Beer Tent, Tea Rooms, B-B-Q, Hog Roast, Fun Fair, Sideshows and much more.

For more information see http://chelsfieldfair.com/

2013-07-11   Why Weight makes a welcome return for summer
The highly successful free "Why Weight" programme is returning in July which provides the ideal opportunity to get fit and lose weight ready for the summer. The 12-week weight management programme includes weekly meetings where participants can receive expert advice on diet and healthy eating from qualified professionals. There will also be the chance to do 30 minutes of gentle exercise to help maintain weight loss goals. On-going personal support will be available after programme. The focus of the classes is to help people to better understand the relationship between food, exercise and weight control. Each session has an emphasis on a particular subject, such as food labels, portion sizes or eating out at restaurants. Working with other people makes it easier to develop positive eating habits as it offers the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who can support each other on the journey to a healthier lifestyle. The programme is open to all of those over the age of 18 and who have to lose a minimum of two stone to reach a healthy weight. The Why Weight programme is organised by Sevenoaks District Council and funded by Kent County Council's Public Health Directorate. The next programmes start at the White Oak Leisure Centre, Swanley - Thursday 11 July 2013, 1pm to 2.30pm Why Weight is extremely popular and so places must be booked in advance so book early. To register, please call 01732 227000 or e-mail healthyliving@sevenoaks.gov.uk.

2013-07-05   Estate Agent offering 0% Selling Fees
Wisdom Estates - owned by a family in Well Hill - are independent Estate Agents who have a real passion for homes. As a new business, they are offering 0% selling fees with every new sole agency instructions received by 31st July.

For more information see http://www.wisdom-estates.co.uk/

2013-06-28   Death of a great friend of Well Hill
It is with much sadness that we have to announce that Cllr Jenny Dibsdall passed away on Friday 28th June after she lost her fight with cancer. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family and many friends at this very sad time. Jenny is well known in Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill as both a Parish and District councillor. Please direct any enquiries to Barbara Morris, the Clerk, on 01322 614674. Sympathy cards can also be handed in to Crockenhill Parish Council office.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillpc.org.uk/

2013-06-23   Theft of paddock gates from Cockerhurst Road
Between Sunday 23rd of June at 18:30 and Monday 24th of June at 07:30, three wooden gates to paddocks in Cockerhurst Road were taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/012048/13

2013-06-19   Theft from Rock Hill
Between 07:00 and 11:00 on Wednesday 19th of June a silver blue Rice horsebox was taken from stables in Rock Hill. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/011678/13

ONLY 3 MONTHS TO GO......... Saturday 7th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2013.pdf Additional schedules and enquiries from Catherine 01689 831826 or Chris 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2013.pdf

2013-06-05   Planning Appeal Woody Holme, Rock Hill
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of a replacement dwelling at Woody Holme, Rock Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 7PP in accordance with the terms of the application Ref SE/12/02163/FUL, dated 8 August 2012, subject to the conditions identified in the attached Schedule to the appeal decision.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013-Woody_Home_Rock_Hill_BR6_7PP_Appeal_Decison.pdf

2013-06-05   Planning Appeal Woody Holme, Rock Hill
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of a replacement dwelling at Woody Holme, Rock Hill, Orpington, Kent, BR6 7PP in accordance with the terms of the application Ref SE/12/02163/FUL, dated 8 August 2012, subject to the conditions identified in the attached Schedule to this decision.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013-Woody_Home_Rock_Hill_BR6_7PP_Appeal_Decison.pdf

2013-05-28   Free family fun for all
Local people are being invited to a free, exciting fun-day packed with more than 50 events taking place at St Mary's Recreation Ground in Swanley on Tuesday 28 May from 11am to 3.30pm. Events are being provided for children and adults alike and include a giant Camelot bouncy castle, football skills workshops, bike stunt display, skate jam and portable mountain bike track, dance and build-a-rocket competitions, face painting, and free taster sessions of fun activities. Children and young people will require supervision by a parent, guardian or carer.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/communityplan

2013-05-27   Spring Bank Holiday Refuse Collection Dates
The refuse collection from Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 28th to Saturday 1st June.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2013-05-20   Vibroseis Seismic Survey in Well Hill and Cockerhurst
A seismic survey is expected to be conducted today. Some roads in the area will have temporary closures as a vibration vehicle moves through Rock Hill, Redmans Lane and Cockurhurst Road. Properties along the route should have been notified. Please expect to have to divert around the closures.

For more information see http://host1.atriumsoft.com/ePlanningOPSkent/loadFullDetails.do?aplId=51007

2013-05-16   Burglary Dwelling
Between 07:50 and 18:50 on Thursday 16th of May a property in Redmans Lane was entered and among items taken was jewellery and cash If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime Report No. YY/009223/13

2013-05-12   Burglary Dwelling
Between 00:00 and 02:24 on Sunday 12th of May, there was a burglary to a property in Redmans Lane and items taken including the keys for a white Nissan Almera which was also taken but later recovered. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/008874/13

2013-05-06   May Day Bank Holiday Refuse Collection Dates
The refuse collection from Monday 6th May to Friday 10th May will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 7th to Saturday 11h May.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2013-05-02   Election for Kent County Councilor
There are 5 candidates for today's Kent County Council election for Darent Valley. Polling stations are open until 10pm this evening. You do not need your polling card to vote but some form of ID may be required. The polling station for Well Hill and Cockerhurst is Well Hill Mission Church, Well Hill BR6 7PR. The polling station for Park Gate is Crockenhill Village Hall, Stones Cross Road, Crockenhill BR8 8LT.

2013-05-02   ERRATUM : Meeting with Developers of the disused Rock and Fountain Car Park
There was never a plan for developers to give a presentation to Shoreham Parish Council on Wednesday 1st May. We are sorry for the mistake. The Parish Council were only going to consider an email from the developers. For full details please follow the link below.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2013_rock_and_fountain_car_park.htm

2013-04-27   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
The dust-cart did not arrive on the 20th April and has been rescheduled for the 27th April. Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-04-20   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-04-17   Free weight loss scheme returns to Swanley
A successful weight loss programme makes a welcome return to Swanley during April. Sevenoaks District Council and NHS Kent have teamed up to run their free 'Why Weight' scheme to encourage people who are above a healthy weight to lead healthier lifestyles. The twelve-week course includes weekly meetings, expert advice on food portion control and healthy diet and 30 minutes of gentle exercise so participants can get used to incorporating activity into their lifestyles. These classes offer an opportunity not only to get free, expert advice but the chance meet new people, make friends and to support each other on the way to a healthier life. The successful scheme has been running for the past three years and in that time 511 people have taken part losing a combined weight of 1,240 kilos. It is completely free to join and is open to anyone over the age of 18 who have a minimum of two stone to lose. The next programmes take place in Swanley on: Wednesdays from 17 April at White Oak Leisure Centre, 6pm to 7.30pm Thursdays from 18 April at White Oak Leisure Centre, 1pm to 2.30pm Places are limited must be booked in advance. To register contact the Council's Healthy Living Team on 01732 227000 or e-mail healthyliving@sevenoaks.gov.uk

2013-04-16   AGM
The Well Hill Residents' Association AGM will be held at The Mission Church from 7:30pm. Guest speakers include Roger Gough from Kent County Council and a representative from Kent Police.

2013-04-15   Firmingers is OPEN
Contrary to road signs, Firmingers is open. The road is not closed so you can ignore the road closed and diversion signs. Kent County Council is aware and should be removing the diversion signs soon.

2013-04-05   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collection on 5th April will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 6th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2013-04-01   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on Easter Monday will be collected one day later than usual on Tuesday 2nd April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2013-03-29   Easters Refuse Collection Dates
The Good Friday refuse collection on 29th March will be collected one day later than usual on Saturday 30th March.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2013-03-19   Green Belt photo competition
Nestling in Kent, "the garden of England", Sevenoaks is one of the most protected districts anywhere in the UK with 93% of the area in the Green Belt. To celebrate Sevenoaks District Council's promise to protect our Green Belt for future generations, they asking residents to send them photos of favourite District scenes. There are two categories over 18 and under 18 to encourage everyone to get involved no matter their age. Just send your favourite view of the District to communications@sevenoaks.gov.uk. For more information and the Photo competition terms and conditions, follow the link below. The photo competition will run until 15 April 2013.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/services/council-and-democracy/the-councils-vision-and-promises/photo-competition-terms-and-conditions

2013-02-23   Planning Appeal Woody Holme, Rock Hill
An appeal against the refusal to grant planning permission for the Erection of a replacement dwelling at Woody Holme, Rock Hill has started. Any interested parties can must submit their comments by 19 Mar 2013. Follow the link to see the appeal and see how to email comments. The appeal reference is APP/G2245/A/13/2191751

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?caseid=2191751&coid=2171268

2013-02-09   Free Saturday Refuse Collection - Extra Date for Collection
Due to the bad weather, the visit from the 'big litter' freighter has been rescheduled as follows: Saturday 9 February 2013 Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-02-07   The Monthly Jazz Fix
Thursday 7th February at the Five Bells. The Monthly Jazz Fix. Just Friends create their magic with Live Jazz From 8.30pm.

2013-02-01   Crime wave hits Shoreham
In the last few days Shoreham Village has been subjected to several crimes. These include, theft from businesses, theft from cars, theft of cars, burglary from a dwelling and a burnt out car. Please be vigilant.

2013-02-01   Recommended Tradesmen
Chelsfield Village's Village Voice asked for recommended tradesmen. There list is:
CARPENTER Les 07803 234859
ELECTRICIAN Dean 07799 033363
PAINTER and DECORATOR Pat 07954 387236
PLASTERER James 07939 217725
PLUMBER Jim 07788 851688
"The above men have worked for us for over twenty years, I recommend all of them. They are good, clean and totally trustworthy workers". B.O'D.
PLUMBER Robert Cameron 01732 824389
or 07752 134858
"Robert Cameron is from Vigo but says he comes this way a lot. The last time I used him he charged £40 per hour vs £60 locally!!! And the work was fine". J.G.

2013-01-20   Theft From Motor Vehicle
Between Sunday 20th of January at 12:00 and Monday 21st of January at 16:00 a vehicle left in Cockerhurst Road was entered by breaking a window and a Compact Disc player was taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/001890/13

2013-01-19   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2013-01-04   Christmas Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collection on 4th January will be one day later than usual. It will be collected on Saturday 5th January.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2012-12-31   Christmas Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on New Year Eve will be collected as normal on the Monday. All other refuse collections will be one day later than usual.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2012-12-28   Christmas Refuse Collection Dates
The Friday refuse collections on 28th December and 4th January will be collected - one day later than usual - on Saturday 29th and Saturday 5th January. The New Year Eve collection (Monday) will be collected as normal on New Year Eve.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2012-12-24   Christmas Refuse Collection Dates
The Monday refuse collection on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve will be collected as normal on the Monday. All other refuse collections will be one day later than usual.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/default.asp

2012-12-20   Carol Singing With Phil Lane and His Accordion
Thursday 20th December The Five Bells Carol Singing With Phil Lane and His Accordion Starts 8.30pm

2012-12-19   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2012-12-19   Chelsfield Village Xmas Social
Wednesday 19th December Brass Crosby Room Village Xmas Social Bring your own food and drink to share 8.00pm

2012-12-16   An Afternoon of Carols
Sunday 16th December - St Martins Church - An Afternoon of Carols Followed by tea in the Brass Crosby Room 3.00pm

2012-12-15   Shop 'till you drop with free parking this Christmas
There's now no excuse for residents not to shop 'till they drop as they can enjoy free parking from Sevenoaks Council in the run up to Christmas. Sevenoaks District Council agreed to make parking free throughout the District on Saturdays 15 and 22 December in its car parks and in roads where pay and display charges would normally apply. Sevenoaks Leisure Centre car park, operated by Sencio Community Leisure, will also free on Saturdays 15 and 22 December. Car park and on-street ticket machines will be closed off and drivers will not need a ticket. However all other parking conditions will still apply, including the maximum stay allowed, and parking areas will continue to be patrolled and enforced as normal.

2012-12-15   Childrens Treasure Hunt at Christmas Tree Farm
On the weekend of 15th and 16th December, Christmas Tree Farm off of Rock Hill will be having a Childrens Treasure Hunt in the plantation between 10am and 3.30pm.

For more information see http://www.southlondonchristmastreefarm.co.uk/hunt.htm

2012-12-11   Singing Around Xmas Tree
Tuesday 11th December - Outside Five Bells - Singing Around Xmas Tree - From 8.30pm

2012-12-11   Singing Around Xmas Tree - NEW START TIME
Tuesday 11th December - Outside Five Bells - Singing Around Xmas Tree - From 7:30pm to 8:30pm Please note the updated start time which is 1 hour earlier than previously published.

2012-12-10   The Hop Shop
Still looking for gifts and food for Christmas. The local Hop Shop (on the road to Eynsford from Well Hill) has lots to offer. See the link for full details.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/newsletters/current/index.html

2012-12-05   Theft of motorbike
Between 12:45 and 15:15 on Wednesday 5th of December, a black Stomp off-road motorbike was taken from the grounds of a property in Well Hill Lane. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/022738/12

2012-12-03   Planning Application refused for Woody Holme, Rock Hill
The planning application for Woody Holme, Rock Hill for The erection of replacement dwelling has been refused on the grounds of "The land lies within the Green Belt where strict policies of restraint apply. The proposal would be inappropriate development harmful to the maintenance of the character of the Green belt and to its openness contrary to policies SP5 of the South East Plan, H13 of the Sevenoaks Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework." For further detail, follow the link and use a reference number of 12/02163

For more information see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications/

2012-12-01   Secure Your Number Plate For Free
Join local police officers at the Hextable Heritage Centre car park (Crawfords, Dawson Drive, Off College Road, Hextable, Kent, BR8 7LT) near Swanley between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday 1 December to get vehicle security advice and a free set of tamper-proof screws, which can help reduce the chance of your number plate being stolen and used in other crimes.

2012-11-30   Free parking for Sevenoaks Christmas Shopping night
Shoppers can take advantage of free evening parking as part of this year's Sevenoaks Christmas Lights Switch On and late-night shopping event when all Council parking charges will be waived in the town. Drivers can park for free in any of Sevenoaks District Council's town centre car parks and on-street parking areas [apart from Sevenoaks High Street which will be closed to traffic] on Friday 30 November from 6pm for the rest of the evening. Sencio Community Leisure will also be providing the same free parking concession in its leisure centre car park. The Sevenoaks Christmas Lights Switch On and late night shopping event is organised by Sevenoaks Town Council and includes celebrities from The Stag Panto 'Aladdin'

2012-11-29   Free parking for Westerham Christmas Shopping night
Shoppers can take advantage of free evening parking as part of the Westerham Christmas lights switch on and late night shopping event. Sevenoaks District Council has agreed to make parking free in its car parks and on street in the centre of Westerham from 5pm on Thursday 29 November.

2012-11-11   Remembrance Day
The Chelsfield Flying Club (the people that in a dry year bring air displays to Chelfield Village Fair) will once again be laying a wreath at the John Ellis memorial which is on the footpath between Chelsifeld Village and the station, bang opposite Court Lodge Farm. It will take place at 11am on Sunday 11th November and everyone is welcome. There will be a minute's silence to remember those who have died in both World Wars and more recently, serving their nation. This is not particularly formal so you don't need to dress up - the grass will be long and no doubt wet!

For more information see https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Chelsfield+Motor+Works,+Orpington&hl=en;ll=51.35648,0.132394;spn=0.016294,0.045447;sll=51.413042,0.316832;sspn=0.260384,0.727158;oq=Chelsfield+Motor+Works;hq=Chelsfield+Motor+Works,;hnear=Orpington,+Greater+London,+United+Kingdom;t=m;z=15

2012-11-09   Election for Parish Councillor
Nominations for candidates closes at Noon on Friday 9th November. For more information contact the Returning Officer, Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks or by telephone on 01732 227242 or by e-mail to elreg@sevenoaks.gov.uk

2012-10-20   The World of Herbs
At Lullingstone Castle from 2pm to 6pm on Saturday 20th October there wil be the 5th Annual Guest Lecture, at which Jekka McVicar will be talking about "The World of Herbs". Tom will talk visitors through the ethnobotanics of the herbs in the World Garden.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/up-coming-events.html

2012-10-20   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2012-09-23   Rolls Royce Car Rally
There is a Rolls Royce Car Rally at Lullingstone Castle from noon to 5pm on Sunday 23rd September.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/up-coming-events.html

2012-09-15   Theft from Park Gate
Burglary to outbuilding on golf course. Between Thursday 13th of September at 17:00 and Saturday 15th of September at 11:35, a ride-on mower battery was taken from an outbuilding belonging to the golf course off Parkgate Road. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/016848/12

2012-09-14   Vacancy on Shoreham Parish Council
Phil Hobson has resigned from Shoreham Parish Council resulting in a vacancy to represent Well Hill and Cockerhurst on Shoreham Parish Council. An election to fill the vacancy will be held if ten electors for Well Hill and Cockerhurst request one. A request for an election must be in writing and must include the signatures and addresses of the electors. It must be addressed to the Chief Executive, Sevenoaks District Council, Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1HG and must be delivered within 14 working days (i.e. excluding weekends and bank holidays) of the date of this notice. If an election is not requested by ten electors the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option as soon as practicable after the above mentioned deadline. DATE: 14 September 2012 CLERK TO THE PARISH COUNCIL: Mrs S Palmer

For more information see http://www.shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk/

2012-09-11   Badgers Mount to become a Parish Council
At a meeting of the Electoral Arrangements Committee of Sevenoaks District Council it was resolved to recommend to the Full Council of Sevenoaks District Council that that a separate parish of Badgers Mount be created from May 2015. Currently Badgers Mount, like Well Hill and Cockerhurst, is part of Shoreham Parish. Badgers Mount contributes more than 30% to the income of Shoreham Parish Council but consumes less than 10% of Shoreham Parish Council expenditure. This loss of income without a corresponding reduction of expenditure will, unless Shoreham Parish Council cut existing services lead to an increase in the Shoreham Parish Council tax of around 30% for Well Hill, Cockerhurst and Shoreham from May 2015.

For more information see http://cds.sevenoaks.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=124&MId=1560

2012-09-05   Paralymics at Brands Hatch
The Parallymic Road Cycling Events are being held at Brands Hatch from 5th to 8th September. Please note that there will be some road closures during these events. The A20 around Brands Hatch WILL be closed to ALL traffic.

2012-09-02   Lions Heavy Horse Show
On Sunday 2nd September the Heavy Horse Show, that the Sevenoaks Lions hold annually in Shoreham, will take place.

Saturday 1st September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/ Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/

2012-08-04   Theft of car number plates
Between Friday 3rd of August at 23:59 and Saturday 4th of August at 10:59, both number plates on a car parked in Parkgate Road were taken. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/013972/12.

Only one month to go until the local produce show on Saturday 1st September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/ Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/

2012-07-21   Plant Hunters' Weekend at Lullingstone
Plant Hunters' Weekend is around the corner on 21st and 22nd July (11am to 5pm) - rain or shine, it's a fascinating journey back in time. Guided tours at midday and 2pm. The World Garden at Lullingstone Castle celebrates the lives of some of Britain's most intrepid plant hunters every year, one weekend in July. The Plant Hunters' Weekend explores the origins of some of the most common plants grown in our gardens today but which are not native to Britain. Few people realise that some 80% of the plants we grow are not actually native to Britain but were introduced by British plant hunters who often risked their lives to bring back rare and exotic species.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/219

2012-07-14   Lavender Festival
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July. Free admission. Car parking is £2.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2012-07-14   Chelsfield Village Fair
CANCELLED. Waterlogging Cancels Fair. This years' Chelsfield Village Fair which was due to take place on Saturday 14th July has been cancelled. The cricket ground is saturated and too soft for any vehicle movements and the main car park is practically underwater. The committee have been working on the Fair since last November and are hugely disappointed to have to cancel at this stage but to continue would have been irresponsible.

2012-07-12   Theft from Well Hill
Between 11:30 and 16:06 on Thursday 12th of July, outbuildings to a property in Well Hill Lane were broken into and a number of power tools and other items were stolen. If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 101 quoting Crime report YY/012489/12.

2012-07-07   Lavender Festival
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th July. Free admission but car parking is £2.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2012-07-04   Shoreham Parish Council Meeting at Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council hold a meeting at the Well Hill Mission Church once a year. This year's meeting will be from 7:30pm in the Well Hill Mission Church at which the public can attend. There is usually a chance for members of the public to ask questions around 9pm.

For more information see http://www.shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk

2012-07-02   Chelsfield Lane closed for 2 days
Chelsfield Lane, Shoreham Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rdd July REASON FOR CLOSURE... Carriageway works SECTION OF ROAD TO BE CLOSED... From Shoreham Lane (by Bo Peep) to Shacklands Road PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE ROUTE... Shoreham Lane, Hollybush Lane, Rock Hill, Redmans Lane, Cockerhurst Road, Shacklands Lane

2012-06-22   Police warn of dangers of breaking road cordons
Kent Police has issued a warning on the dangers of breaking road cordons during the London 2012 Paralympics after stopping a motorist for driving on a closed road during a test event held on Tuesday 19 June. The London 2012 Paralympics road cycling events will be held at Brands Hatch and on surrounding roads from 5 to 8 September. The driver of a Volkswagen Golf GTI has been reported for dangerous driving after breaking the cordon on Tuesday's test event.

For more information see http://www.kent.police.uk/news/latest_news/120621_road_closures.html

2012-06-21   Volunteer Event Stewards for Local Paralymics
Sevenoaks District Council are looking for Volunteer Event Stewards for the Parallymic Road Cycling Events being held at Brands Hatch from 5th to 8th September. Volunteers must be over 18 years old and full training and a uniform will be provided. You will need to commit to a minimum of two shifts (totalling one day) between 9am to 3pm or 2.30pm to 8pm. Contact 01732 227000 to register your interest or follow the link below.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/leisure__culture/2012_olympics_paralympic_games_and_the_torch_relay/4584.asp

Saturday 1st September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are now available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/ Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/

2012-06-04   Bank holiday refuse collection arrangements
Jubilee bank holidays Bank holiday Monday 4 June - collected one week later on Monday 11 June Bank holiday Tuesday 5 June - collected the next day on Wednesday 6 June Wednesday 6 June - collected the next day Thursday 7 June Thursday 7 June - collected the next day Friday 8 June Friday 8 June - collected the next day Saturday 9 June

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2012-06-04   Jubilee Beacon
In partnership with Shoreham Parish Council, the Well Hill Residents' Association will be holding a Jubilee Beacon event on Monday 4th June from 8:30pm. The beacon is part of the Diamond Jubilee Beacons and will be lit at 10:15. Watch out for further details on the notice board.

For more information see http://www.diamondjubileebeacons.co.uk/pages/beacon_lighting_times_171971.cfm

2012-05-07   DAWN CHORUS WALK
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Monday 7th May In liaison with the Kent Trust for Nature Conservation, the Hop Shop is hosting a Dawn Chorus Walk on the May Day Bank Holiday - MONDAY 7th MAY. Start at 7:30am - although it's not exactly dawn, the timing might appeal to more people! It is a walk around the farm with an expert bird-watcher, and then try some identification of moths caught overnight in a moth-trap. It's the nesting season so there should be lots of birds to hear and see in the hedgerows or by the river. The walk should last about 90 minutes, over rough ground, and will be followed by coffee and croissants! Well-behaved, interested children welcome but no dogs. £5 per person. Telephone 01959 523219 to book.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2012-05-07   Bank holiday refuse collection arrangements
May Day Bank holiday, 7 May All collections this week will be one-day later than usual.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2012-04-25   Shoreham Annual Parish Meeting
This year's agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting (25 April 2012 at Shoreham Village Hall) will be based on issues that residents in Shoreham Parish (which includes Cockerhurst and Well Hill) have raised. If you have an issue you would like to see on the agenda, please send it to the Chairman by 20 March At ph2011@shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk

For more information see http://www.shorehamparishcouncil.gov.uk/cms/cms.cgi?type=Annual+Parish+Meetings

2012-03-29   Voting for Sevenoaks District Council
The Crockenhill and Well Hill Ward by-election is to take place following the death of Cllr Colin Dibsdall in November 2011. Voting will take place at Crockenhill Village Hall and at Well Hill Mission Church on Thursday 29 March.

2012-03-17   Honey Tasting
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Saterday 17th March The Hop Shop has lots of bee hives in different locations around the farm, looked after by their "??bee farmer"?? Dan Geary. Many of you will have met him before at the Lavender Festivals, but he is also coming to do a day'??s HONEY TASTING in the shop on SATURDAY 17th MARCH (approx 10.00am - 4.00pm). Most of the hives are stationed permanently in the lavender fields (a popular place for the bees!), or in locations that are sheltered, secluded and have good flowering plants nearby. During April and May, some hives are moved to the orchards to ensure good pollination of the apple trees at blossom-time. In Spring our fields of bright yellow oilseed rape attracts bees from miles around and rape honey is a mainstay of the bee-farmer'??s production. It is sweeter and stronger than the delicate subtlety of the lavender honey which is in marked contrast to the powerful richness of honeydew. GO AND TRY THEM and learn from an expert all about honey'??s other wonderful properties! Bee keepers recommend that hay fever sufferers start taking a daily spoonful of Honey Royale now to ward off symptoms.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2012-03-14   Last day to apply for a postal vote
The Crockenhill and Well Hill Ward by-election is to take place following the death of Cllr Colin Dibsdall in November 2011. Voting will take place at Crockenhill Village Hall and at Well Hill Mission Church. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm, 14 March 2012 and the proxy vote application deadline is 5pm, 21 March 2012. Only the names of the people included on the register of electors can vote in elections. The deadline for registering to vote for these by-elections is 14 March 2012. For enquiries on electoral registration and postal or proxy voting please contact elreg@sevenoaks.gov.uk or 01732 227188 or 01732 227243.

2012-02-21   Theft from Well Hill
Between 6pm on Monday and 6am on Tuesday many items, from tools to a tumble dryer, were stolen from an out building in Well Hill (Rock Hill end). If you saw anything suspicious, contact Kent Police on 112.

2012-02-09   Last day to respond to Household Waste Recycling Centre Consultation
Kent County Council is consulting on 1.Prohibit the deposit of tyres, gas bottles and asbestos 2.Limit construction waste to two (30 litre) sacks 3.Cease opening height barrier at Household Waste Recycling Centres on Wednesdays with provision made for domestic over-height vehicles on Saturdays 4.Prohibit access of vans, trucks, flat-bed vehicles and trailers to Household Waste Recycling Centres 5.Introduction of permit scheme along the west-Kent boundary to prevent non-Kent residents using Household Waste Recycling Centres 6.Consider future changes to the network to ensure efficiency. For more information and to respond to the consultatio, follow the link.

For more information see http://www.kent.gov.uk/environment_and_planning/recycling_and_rubbish/ways_to_recycle/waste_and_recycling_centres/hwrc_consultation.aspx

2012-02-02   10Mbs Broadband available in Well Hill and Cockerhurst
CallFlow have been connecting Well Hill residents to fast broadband. It has now been reported that 7-10Mb/s has been achieved in Firmingers and around 14Mb/s in Pump Lane. Parkgate residents appear to be getting broadband (for the first time!) but we do not have any speeds to report.

For more information see http://www.callflowsolutions.com/home-broadband/slu-broadband/slu-in-your-area/crockenhill-and-well-hill.html

2012-01-21   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2012-01-12   Fast Broadband available in Well Hill, Cockerhurst, Park Gate
CallFlow are now conecting Well Hill and Park Gate residents to fast broadband. It is currently taking BT about 2 weeks to make the connections to the CallFlow network. It is expected that all areas will receive at least 10Mb/s broadband speed. For residents in Cockerhurst, the service is provided by a radio link and provided your property has line-of-sight to the mobile phone mast at Well Hill you should be able to recieve 10Mb/s broadband. In fact, the radio link works up to 10 kilometres. If you have family of friends who can see the Well Hill mobile phone mast and they are within 10 kilometres of it, they too could have a 10MB/s broadband.

For more information see http://www.callflowsolutions.com/home-broadband/slu-broadband/slu-in-your-area/crockenhill-and-well-hill.html

2012-01-04   'Betrayed' Kent police officer Fran Croucher resigns
The Kent police officer - who patrolled the Well Hill area - accused and cleared of wasting police time has resigned because she feels "betrayed" by senior officers

For more information see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-16407356

2011-12-20   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms. It will also be a good time to welcome our new Rector Paul Spreadbridge.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fwww.achurchnearyou.com%2Fkml%2Fparish%2Fparish_310048.kml&hl=en&ll=51.356829,0.150107&spn=0.004073,0.011362&t=m&vpsrc=0&z=17&iwloc=lyrftr:kml:cj2p4-oZNUYMnv0QiI2UuyMlImUtRkF9AYCQ,ge807edb8620cba59,,

2011-12-19   Funeral of Colin Dibsdall
There will be a brief committal at 11.45 at Eltham Crematorium on the morning of 19th December for close friends and relatives only. There will then be a service to celebrate Colin's life at All Soul's, Crockenhill at 2.30. Anyone who would like to come is most welcome. Everyone is welcome to come afterwards to Crockenhill Village Hall. Parking at the church is limited to the road outside and it may be better to park at the hall in any event which is just around the corner from the church. The hall is opposite the village green. Colin's family have asked that there are no flowers but if anyone would like to give a donation they suggest the Lymphoma Association (www.lymphomas.org) or the Anthony Nolan Trust (www.anthonynolan.org) both charities which helped Colin through his illness. The Crockenhill Parish Cerk is happy to accept any donations in Colin's name at the parish office, which will then be handed to the family. Please make cheques payable to the preferred charity. Please direct any enquiries to Barbara Morris, the Clerk, on 01322 614674.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillpc.org.uk/

2011-12-03   Young People Are Invited To A Party In The Pool
The fun-filled evening has been organised especially for eight to 14 year olds who can "Jump-in" with the pool solely to themselves. Like all good parties it will include fun and games and DJ Ignition will be on hand to provide the soundtrack to the evening with the latest chart hits. The Pool Party will take place at White Oak Leisure Centre on Saturday 3 December from 6pm to 8pm. Tickets cost £5.50 per person. Advance booking is advised to avoid missing out on the fun, as tickets will not be available to buy on the night. To book tickets visit White Oak Leisure Centre or call 01322 662188.

For more information see http://westkentwatch.com/articles.php?viewarticle=1374

2011-12-01   Broadband Update
These strengthening works on the mobile phone mast in Well Hill are scheduled for completion by December 9th. This will allow the final aerials to be installed that will bring 10Mb/s to Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill. The aerial rigging and appropriate cabling is scheduled for completion by December 23rd. Call Flow Solutions Ltd anticipate launching the service during the week commencing 9th January. They recommend that customers wanting this new service to place their orders from the 12th December onwards, as any MAC codes (from existing broadband suppliers) will be valid for a month.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillbroadband.com/index_files/LatestNews.htm

2011-12-01   Household Waste Recycling Centre Consultation
Deadline for responding to the consultation is 9th February 2012. The Recycling Centres closest to Well Hill are the Tear Drop Centre near Swanley and Dunbrick near Brastead. Kent County Council is consulting on the following which, if implemented, could increase fly tipping in the Well Hill area. 1.Prohibit the deposit of tyres, gas bottles and asbestos 2.Limit construction waste to two (30 litre) sacks 3.Cease opening height barrier at Household Waste Recycling Centres on Wednesdays with provision made for domestic over-height vehicles on Saturdays 4.Prohibit access of vans, trucks, flat-bed vehicles and trailers to Household Waste Recycling Centres 5.Introduction of permit scheme along the west-Kent boundary to prevent non-Kent residents using Household Waste Recycling Centres 6.Consider future changes to the network to ensure efficiency. For more information and to respond to the consultation, follow the link.

For more information see http://www.kent.gov.uk/environment_and_planning/recycling_and_rubbish/ways_to_recycle/waste_and_recycling_centres/hwrc_consultation.aspx

2011-11-30   Death of a great friend of Well Hill
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the sudden death of Colin Dibsdall last evening. A post mortem is to be held, following which his wife will let Crockenhill Parish Council know the details of any arrangements. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family and many friends at this very sad time. Colin is well known in Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill. He is regarded as a friend to many that he has helped over the decades. Part of Colin's legacy is what can be seen in our area. He helped shape the area from new homes to stopping raves. Colin was unique. He will be sadly missed. Please direct any enquiries to Barbara Morris, the Clerk, on 01322 614674. Sympathy cards can also be handed in to Crockenhill Parish Council office.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillpc.org.uk/

2011-11-28   Have your say on your local community
Sevenoaks District Council is looking at the role of all 30 town and parish councils in its area as part of a 'Community Governance Review'. Town and parish councils play an important role at the local level. They provide many local services, maintain local facilities and are consulted on all planning applications in their area. The review gives local people the opportunity to say how they should be run in the future. Proposals could include creating new parishes, merging or grouping parishes together or altering parish boundaries. Suggestions could also include changing parish names or the number of Councillors who sit on the council. Anyone can take part and the comments will be considered by the District Council's Electoral Arrangements Committee next spring. The deadline for comments is 24 February 2012. To take part in the review e-mail elreg@sevenoaks.gov.uk or write to: Ian Bigwood, Electoral Services Manager, Sevenoaks District Council, Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks TN13 1HG.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/news/2011/november/4535.asp

2011-11-18   Public meeting regarding a waste incinerator site is proposed for the land adjac
To find out more about the Consultation, the proposed development of the site and how it will affect Badgers Mount, Chelsfield, Halstead, Pratts Bottom and Well Hill there will be a Public Meeting held at: The Memorial Hall, Highland Road, Badgers Mount TN14 7AH - 7.30 p.m. on FRIDAY, 18TH NOVEMBER 2011. OUR LOCAL MP, MICHAEL FALLON WILL BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING TO ADDRESS RESIDENTS CONCERNS

For more information see http://WWW.badgersmountdefence.co.uk

2011-11-16   Neighbourhood Officer DC Brian Smith is moving from Well Hill
As of Wednesday 16th November 2011, DC Brian Smith will be moving on to a new role within the Investigation Management Unit at Kent Policee Headquarters and will therefore be leaving his current role as the Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill Neighbourhood officer. Brian says "It has been a pleasure to work as the local officer in your parish for the last year and a half and I would like to thank you all for your support during this period."

2011-11-14   101 is the new national non-emergency number to contact Police
101 will offer an easy way to contact the local police force to report non-emergency crimes and disorder or to speak to local police officers. A call to 101 will never cost more than 15p.

For more information see http://westkentwatch.com/articles.php?viewarticle=1376

2011-11-04   Land close to Well Hill proposed as site for biomass facility
This area of land has been put forward for use as a biomass facility which would use waste wood to generate electricity. Kent County Council are consulting on the site. See the link below for full details and a location map. The site could have 24 lorry movements per day and handle up to 50,000 tonnes per annum. The consultation will run for eight weeks from 9am on 24th October 2011 to 5pm on 19th December 2011

For more information see http://consult.kent.gov.uk/portal/supplementary_sites/site_options?pointId=1318325837083#section-1318325837083

2011-11-04   Wheelie Bin Stolen
Between Thursday 3rd of November at 18:00 and Friday 4th of November at 07:50, a wheelie bin has been taken from the garden of a property in Well Hill. A silver Vauxhall was seen acting suspiciously between this time. If you have any information please contact Kent Police on 01622 690690 quoting crime report BY/015262/11

2011-10-22   Lullingstone Castle's Annual Guest Lecture
Lullingstone Castle's Annual Guest Lecture with Fergus Garrett, Head Gardener of Great Dixter, will be held on Saturday 22nd October 2011, 2pm to 6:30pm. Tickets are £30. Tickets include a guided tour of the World Garden by Tom Hart Dyke, followed by a buffet in the main House, then the lecture in St Botolph's Church. For more information and tickets, please contact Anya on 07971 820 945 or anya.hartdyke@lullingstonecastle.co.uk

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/

2011-10-19   PC Fran Croucher found not guilty of wasting police time
PC Fran Croucher, who used to be the neighbourhood police woman for Well Hill, who was accused of falsely claiming she was attacked while on duty has been cleared of wasting police time. PC Fran Croucher was found not guilty following a 10-day trial at Maidstone Magistrates' Court on Wednesday. She was arrested after she reported being beaten unconscious in Crockenhill Road, Swanley, on 14 January 2010. Kent Police said she remained suspended from duty until an internal investigation had concluded.

For more information see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-15377872

2011-09-18   First service by new Rector
Our new Rector Rev'd Paul Spreadbridge will be holding his first service at Well Hill Mission Church on Sunday 18th September commencing at 9:45am.

Saturday 17th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/ Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/

2011-09-15   Rock Hill (East Side) closed for 5 days
To facilitate verge/edge of carriageway repair works, the east part of Rock Hill will be closed between Well Hill and Firmingers Road. The expected diversion will be via Well Hill and Firmingers Road.

2011-09-07   Knitting Patterns for Toys Wanted
Jean Crossfield (jc2011@whra.org.uk) would like to borrow any knitting patterns for toys. Jean would only want to borrow them and they would be returned as soon as she has finished with them. Jean can collect and will obviously return them.

2011-08-23   Theft from Rock Hill and police on the lookout for flat bed trucks
There was a crime carried out at EMS UK PLC on ROCK HILL in the early morning of Tuesday August 23rd. Entry was gained by 2 males through the fence at the side and transformers were removed and left at the side of the road. Police enquiries are being made as the vehicle which was seen was found abandoned and checks are being carried out on it. PCSO Alan Hearn also asks residents to be aware of any flat bed trucks/vans with the writing 'block paving' on the side as they are of interest to Kent police. Contact Alan on 07772225965 if you have any information.

2011-07-22   Broadband Update
The project to bring fast broadband to the Crockenhill, Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill is progressing. Crockenhill is now up and running. Mono Consulting who manage the mast at the end of Well Hill Lane have advised that they 'expect for the landlords lease to be completed by end of August'. This is necessary before Call Flow can add their aerials to the mobile phone mast. Based on the lease being signed by the end of August, Call Flow would anticipate that the aerials will be mounted two to three weeks later (i.e September). When the aerials are mounted, fast broadband can be beamed to Cockerhurst. Almost all other engineering work has been done and it is now just a case of getting the aerials mounted to get the radio signal to send fast broadband into the copper telephone wires to Park Gate and Well Hill.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillbroadband.com/index_files/LatestNews.htm

2011-07-12   Lavender Art Day
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Tuesday 12th July The Lavender Art Day has been specially organised for those with creative instincts to quietly enjoy a day painting the purple lavender fields. There'll be coffee when you arrive, a two-course lavender lunch, and tea and cakes to finish. A large marquee will be available all day for shelter. The cost is £45 per person and places are limited. Telephone 01959 523219 to book.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-07-12   Lavender Lunch Day
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Wednesday 13th July Lavender Lunch Day. Join the Hop Shop for a tour of the lavender enterprise to gain an insight into the growing and distillation of this fabulous crop with its amazing range of properties and uses. This will be followed by a leisurely Lavender Lunch in a marquee in the field. In the afternoon you will gather fresh-cut bunches and make a decorative wreath of strong-scented lavender to take home after you've finished the day with some lavender tea (of course!). The cost is £80 per person and places are limited. Telephone 01959 523219 to book.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-07-10   4th Annual Well Hill Musical Concert
Well Hill Mission Church on Sunday 10th July at 2:45pm. The concert will be under the leadership of Mr Julius Bannister and is assisted by a very talented group of young ladies giving a varied range of music for everyones taste. Weather permitting it will be held in the lovely church gardens. The tickets are priced at £6 and includes a cream tea. All profits will go towards church funding. Please contact the following for tickets
Carol and Chris Courtney 01959 535022
Wendy and Norman McDonnell 01959 534310
Julia and Terry Sparkes 01689 823749
Vera and Gerry Walker 01689 606738
Book early to save dissapointment

2011-07-09   Chelsfield Village Fair
Saturday 9th July - Chelsfield Village Fair 12-4:30pm Chelsfield Village Hall

2011-07-09   Lavender Festival
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th July.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-07-06   Shoreham Parish Council Meeting at Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council hold a meeting at the Well Hill Mission Church once a year. This year's meeting will be from 7:30pm in the Well Hill Mission Church at which the public can attend. There is usually a chance for members of the public to ask questions around 9pm.

2011-07-02   Lavender Festival
The Hop Shop - Castle Farm - Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July and also the weekend after.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-06-25   Medieval Weekend at Lullingstone Castle
Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th June - Medieval weekend 11-5.00pm Lullingstone Castle

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/266

2011-06-18   Travellers in Farningham to be evicted by police
Sevenoaks District Council have been advised that the group of Irish Travellers - consisting of 3 caravans and 6 vehicles - will be moved off some private land in Farningham around noon on Saturday after the Police have used their eviction powers. For further information contact James Cox james.cox@sevenoaks.gov.uk 01732 227312

2011-06-17   Travellers in Farningham
Sevenoaks District Council have just been advised that a group of Irish Travellers consisting of 3 caravans and 6 vehicles have entered some private land in Farningham. From the information they have the Travellers may move from their current location on Sunday but don't know if they wish to stay in the area or move on. For further information contact James Cox james.cox@sevenoaks.gov.uk 01732 227312

2011-06-17   Buildings of Historic or Architectural Interest
Sevenaoks District Council are creating a list of buildings that are of historic or architectural interest. It is thought that those buildings on this list will not have any additional protection, but the fact that they are noted may well be material to the determination of planning applications. Crockenhill Parish Council have already supplied a list to Sevenoaks District Council and Shoreham Parish Council are in the process of creating a list. If you have any suggestion of buildings with an historic or architectural, interest please send them to your parish council.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/links.htm

2011-06-11   St Martins Fete
Saturday, 11th June. Noon to 4:30pm Chelsfield Village Hall and Rectory Garden.

2011-06-10   Public Footpath SR3A Closed
An Emergency Closure Notice has been posted for public footpath SR3A as Kent County Council consider it dangerous as well as physically impossible for the public to use the route. SR3A goes from the Well Hill Lane (Rock Hill end) through a field and down a track near the M25.

2011-06-06   Skeet Hill/Park Gate road closure
Skeet Hill/Park Gate will be closed between Daltons Road and Lullingstone Golf Course on the 6th June 2011 for 3 working days between 07.00 - 19.00

Diversion: Skeet Hill Lane, Skibbs Lane, Bucks Cross Road, Hawstead Lane and Well Hill

2011-05-30   Spring bank holiday refuse collection times
Monday 30 May (Spring bank holiday) collections will take place on Tuesday 31 May. Friday 3 June collections will take place on Saturday 4 June

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-05-27   Tom Hart-Dyke joins Alan Titchmarsh at Chelsea Flower Show
BBC2 and BBC HD 8pm 27h May. Alan Titchmarsh celebrates Chelsea's horticultural heroes in a second extended special from the Royal Hospital Grounds. Alan meets the modern-day plant collector Tom Hart Dyke (from Lullingstone World Gardern) to seek out some of his favourite floral exhibits in the Great Pavilion.

For more information see http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b011ktkn

2011-05-22   Shoreham Fete
Saturday, 22nd May. Noon to 6pm on the School field.

2011-05-15   Lullingstone Plant Fair
Sunday, 15th May 2011 11.00am - 5.00pm A full programme of events throughout the day including a Gardener's Forum where a panel of experts includes Jean Griffin, BBC Radio Kent's Sunday Gardening, and Lullingstone's own Tom Hart Dyke, creator of the World Garden. Bring samples of your problem plants for diagnosis by the experts

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/component/content/article/205

2011-05-14   Bring and Buy Plant Sale
A bring and buy plant sale is being held on Saturday 14th May from 10am to 2pm at Parkgate House next to Lullingstone Park Golf Course. Do you have something that can be dug up and brought, ie. from a division from an herbaceous plant for example? Even if you do not have or want any plants, come along for a convivial cup of tea and a chat. The proceeds are in aid of The Friends of St. Botolph Church, Lullingstone.

2011-05-13   Broadband Update
The project to bring fast broadband to the Crockenhill, Cockerhurst and Well Hill is progressing. There is a slight delay for the Well Hill area as the provider wishes to use the large lattice mobile phone mast in Well Hill and the owners of that mast are currently negotiating a new lease with the landlord. For the latest information follow the link below.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillbroadband.com/index_files/LatestNews.htm

2011-05-06   May Day bank holiday week refuse collection times
Friday 6 May collections will take place on Saturday 7 May

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-05-02   May Day bank holiday refuse collection times
Monday 2 May (May Day bank holiday) collections will take place on Tuesday 3 May

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-05-02   Shoreham Duck Race
From 2pm Monday 2nd May, by the War Memorial, Church Road, Shoreham. Build your own duck or rent one for the race.

2011-04-29   Royal Wedding bank holiday refuse collection times
Friday 29 April (Royal Wedding bank holiday) collections will take place on Saturday 30 April

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-04-27   Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting of Shoreham Parish Council will be held in Shoreham Village Hall on Wednesday 27 April 2011 at 7.30pm. The meeting is open to all residents of Shoreham Parish and there is a session for questions from the public. Refreshments will be available at 7.10pm

2011-04-25   Easter Monday bank holiday refuse collection times
Monday 25 April (Easter Monday) collections will take place on Tuesday 26 April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-04-24   Easter Sunday at the Bo Peep
From midday to 5pm an Easter Sunday lunch with an Easter Egg Raffle.

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/eastersunday

2011-04-24   St Geoges Day at the Bo Peep
A lunch and dinner menu that includes Pea and leek Soup, Beef & Mushroom Pie with Liquor and Spotted Dick.,

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/stgeorgesday

2011-04-22   Good Friday bank holiday refuse collection times
Friday 22 April (Good Friday) collections will take place on Saturday 23 April

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2011-04-22   Beer Festival at The Five Bells
Starting on Good Friday, the beer festival lasts until Monday 2nd May.

See the link for a copy of a letter sent from Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government, via our MP to the WHRA.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2011_travellers_and_planning.htm

2011-04-19   AGM 7:30pm
The Well Hill Residents' Association AGM will be held at The Lodge, Lullingstone Golf Course from 7:30pm. There will be a talk by Kent Police Chief Inspector Futers and a presentation by James Lloyd-Jones from Heritage Energy on solar energy. Also at the AGM will be our local neighbourhood Police and Parish, Sevenoaks District and Kent County Council representatives.

2011-04-18   Kent Highways Find and Fix Programme
Kent Highway Services Find and Fix 3 programme commences week beginning 18 April 2011. Inspections have and are being carried out to identify and mark those potholes to be repaired within this programme. Work is being prioritised and programmed on a Parish by Parish basis. The additional gangs working on Find and Fix 3 will only be carrying out work on minor roads; however works on A & B roads will still be carried out by Kent Highways' permanent gangs. Please continue to report potholes requiring attention through the Contact Centre on 08458 247800. You will also be able to obtain up to date information on the programme via the Kent.gov.uk website.

2011-04-16   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2011-04-16   Police Surgery
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Speak to our local police while getting rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill. The police will be in the car park when the dust cart is present.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2011-04-16   Shoreham Art and Craft Fair
On Saturday 16th April from 11am tp 3pm there is a Art and Craft Fair in Shoreham Village Hall. Entry is free.

2011-04-13   Government Consultation on Traveller Sites
H.M. Government has issued an 89 page consultation document on Planning for traveller sites. Anyone can respond to the consultation which ends on July 6th. See the link for a copy of the consultation document (801kBytes).

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2011-traveller_sites_consultation.pdf

2011-04-10   Redmans Road closed for Darent Valley 10K Race
On Sunday th April several roads will be closed for the Darent Valley 10K Race. The race lasts from 8:30am to 10:30pm and during that time, parts of Redmams Lane, Castle Road and the A225 may be closed although access to properties will be maintained.

For more information see http://www.swanleyanddistrictac.org/Articles/GetPage?PageID=22&HeadingID=1&PageTitle=Darent%20Valley%2010k

2011-04-05   Spring Newsletter
The Spring Newsletter is available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2011-03.pdf

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2011-03.pdf

2011-04-02   Behind the Scenes Tour
Castle Farm has a "Behind the Scenes Tour" from 10:15 am. The tour will include the machinery needed tio grow and harvest crops, the hop garden, the orchards and buildings. The cost is £4 per person and will take around 90 minutes. You will need to phone to book a place.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-03-25   Redmans Lane Car Park is Open
The Redmans Lane car park, which has been closed for years due to fly tipping problems, is being unlocked during the day but locked at night. This car park gives an alternative way in to Lullingstone Park and is about a 15 minute stroll to the visitors centre. If fly tipping becomes a problem Kent County Council will review the situation and may close it again.

2011-03-25   Lullingstone Visitors Centre Car Park Charges Suspended
Kent County Council are suspending car parking charges for the Lullingstone Visitors Centre car park, whilst work on the car park is being carried out, to compensate for the inconvenience to visitors. The latest estimate for the work to be complete is 4th July 2011.

2011-03-25   Win a Joint of Beef
Castle Farm is supporting the Great British Beef Week by inviting locals to submit their best beef recipe. Send your recipe to sales@hopshop.co.uk before 15th April. The winner will receive a joint of Castle Farm reared beef (for shop collection only) in time for St Georges Day (April 23rd).

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

SEASONAL HEALTH TIP This is the time of year to start having your daily spoonful of honey to help ward off the symptoms of hay-fever. It's important to take local honey which can be obtained from the Hop Shop at Castle Farm (on the road from Well Hill to Eynsford). Honey Royale, which includes extra pollen, is even better. The Hop Shop has a wonderful selection of honeys from the farm, each subtley different - lavender, wild flower, rapeseed - as well as sunflower and the rich honeydew.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-03-25   JOB VACANCY at the Hop Shop
The Hop Shop has an opportunity an enthusiastic and energetic part-time shop assistant to help in the shop on Sundays (9.30 - 5.30) and Mondays (9.00 - 5. 30) . This would be on a regular basis throughout the year, but with the opportunity for additional days and hours during the busy summer months. Previous retail training and experience is an advantage. Please send a full CV to sales@hopshop.co.uk for an application form.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2011-03-19   The cost of bringing mains gas to Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council have been in touch with Scotia Gas Networks - the the UK's second largest gas distribution company - about the possibility of bringing mains gas to Well Hill. Although it is close to the existing gas network it would require a long length of main to be laid to supply all the properties. As such the contribution per property would stand at around £13,000 which, in Scotia Gas Networks' experience, is too great a figure to make an infill scheme economically viable for Well Hill.

For more information see http://www.sgn.co.uk/

2011-03-17   Attempted Theft
Between March 17th-18th, the entrance gates to the driveway of Dean Farm, Firmingers Road were forced causing damage to the gates. It happened over night and nothing was seen or heard. Once again the police ask residents to remain alert and to report anything they believe to be suspicious. If you have any information that could help the police, please contact Alan Hearne - Kent Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) -07772 225 965

2011-03-17   Misuse of the L B Bromley logo by an itinerant tree surgeon
An itinerant tree sugeon is distributing cards in the LBB (London Borough of Bromley) which includes the Bromley splash logo. LBB have spoken to the trader who appears to reside in a local travellers site and whilst he has given assurances that the card will be withdrawn LBB have received reports that it is still being put through doors in Bromley. This company is not connected to LBB or indeed to Green Thumb Lawn Treatment Services who are based in Hastings Road. If you get any of these cards, please contact Rob Vale of Bromley Trading Standards on 020 8313 4785 or email rob.vale@bromley.gov.uk or to the Doorstep Crime Rapid Response Number 07903 852090. The link gives a sample card.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2011_greenthumbcard.jpg

2011-03-15   Number plates stolen
Between 12:00 and 19:30 on the Friday 11th March, both number plates on a car parked in Daltons Road were stolen. If you have any information contact Kent Police on 01622 690690 quoting crime report BY/3502/11.

2011-03-15   Heating and Diesel Oil Theft - Don't Become a Victim
Heating and Diesel Oil Thefts are becoming more common in the surrounding area. Gloucestershire Constabulary have produced several leaflets to help you defend yourself and your property. The one at http://www.wknwa.org/OilTheft.pdf gives guidance about protecting your valuable fuel oil.

For more information see http://www.wknwa.org/OilTheft.pdf

2011-03-07   Tip of the month from Lullingstone World Garden
Buddleja (aka "Butterfly Bush"): If you haven't already, the World Garden remind us to prune back our Buddleja! This is with the exception of Buddleja globosa and Buddleja alternifolia (to be pruned back lightly after flowering). Make the cut 2 inches above last year's cuts.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/images/newsletter_febmar2011.pdf

2011-03-05   'Is it for me' workshop in Swalney
A new business workshop helps make ideas a reality Budding businessmen and women are being offered free business advice when a new workshop comes to Swanley in the spring. The free 'Is it for me' workshop will give practical advice and guidance to anyone with ideas for starting up their own business or working for themselves. The workshop will cover the basics of starting up and will give people a chance to meet and talk to others interested in setting up their own business. Business Link South East is providing an experienced business adviser and Sevenoaks District Council is funding and organising the workshops. 'Is it for me' will be held on Saturday 5 March at White Oak Indoor Bowls Centre, Swanley from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Sevenoaks Council has arranged for a free lunch and networking opportunity after the workshop. At the end of the session everyone will have the chance to develop their own business action plan to turn their business ideas into reality. Spaces for the workshop are limited and will be offered on a first come first serve basis. To reserve a space, please visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/isitforme. For further information on the workshop contact Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail business@sevenoaks.gov.uk.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/isitforme

2011-03-02   High Speed Broadband is getting closer
Call Flow are working in conjunction with the Crockenhill Parish Council to bring high speed broadband to Crockenhill, Park Gate, Well Hill and Cockerhurst. They have a website - http://www.crockenhillbroadband.com - which will launch with further details on the 1st April 2011.

For more information see http://www.crockenhillbroadband.com/

2011-02-07   Theft from Farm
Following several robberies last week from a farm off Rock Hill, two teenagers at 10am were disturbed and chased towards Well Hill Lane or Shoreham Lane one wearing a black jacket with red cuffs and collar, three police attended but were unable to find the teenagers. If you have any information contact Kent Police on 01629 690690.

2011-02-06   Free fun for all the family
Families are being invited to join in with a day of exciting activities for all ages, and the chance to win prizes, when the family fun day comes to Swanley next month. The family fun day will give families the chance to try out a range of activities including a roller disco, bungee trampolines and a bouncy castle as well as sports tasters which include dance mats and pad boxing. This free event takes place at White Oak Leisure Centre, Swanley on Sunday 6 February 2011, from 11am until 3pm. For anyone who is thinking about making healthier choices for 2011, there will be staff and information available. The Leisure Centre cafe will be open with food and refreshments and the smoothie making bike will make an appearance offering free smoothies. There is no need to book, just turn up and join in. It's advised that all children should be accompanied by a parent or carer and children under eight must be supervised at all times. Some activities may not be suitable for very young children. The Family Fun Day has been organised by Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Sencio Community Leisure and NHS West Kent. For more information, contact Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/youngpeople.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/youngpeople

2011-02-05   Theft from Farm
Overnight on the 5th two radiators were taken from vehicles in an open barn on a farm off Rock Hill. If you have any information contact Kent Police on 01629 690690 quoting Crime Report BY/1796/11

On Sunday 30th January at 8am our Shoreham Vicar Richard Freeman discovered that the marble portrait bust of Ann Borrett had been stolen from the Church memorial, together with the church wheelchair that was used to carry her away. It is thought to have been stolen between Friday 28th and Sunday the 30th January. She is about 50cm high and 40cm wide. She has Roman style drapery and looks towards the right. On the base is the name Henry Cheere who was knighted by George III. Henry was on the committee that set up the Royal Academy. The link below is a photograph taken by Paul Britton of Shipbourne and we are most grateful for his assistance in supplying this. Fortunately the Church Recorders worked in the Church from 1993 - 1996 so we have a good description. If you have any information please contact Shoreham church warden John Lyons 01959 52364 or Maidstone Police on 01622 690690 crime number BY/1397/11 or Ann Ball 07531 669204.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/borrett_bust_resized.jpg

2011-01-28   Thefts from Pick-up Truck
Between 07:30 and 17:00 on Friday the 28th January a pick-up truck parked in Parkgate Road was broken into and a Stihl saw and a wacker plate were taken. The victim believes the offender may have been disturbed. If you have any information, contact Kent Police on 01622 690690 quoting crime report BY/1318/11.

2011-01-27   Planning Appeal Dismissed
The development proposed was a "change of use to residential including the stationing of two mobile homes and four touring caravans for an extended gypsy family (one of the touring caravans to be for residential use). Retention of hardstanding and cesspool." The appeal was dismissed and the appellants given 9 months to comply with the enforcement order. The unamended enforcement order can be found at http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2010_enforcement_notice.htm and was slightly amended by the appeal disicion notice at http://www.whra.org.uk/planning_refusals/09_02251.pdf.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/planning_refusals/09_02251.pdf

2011-01-25   Local Farm Featured on BBC2 at 6:30pm
The Hop Shop - between Well Hill and Eynsford - is featured on the BBC2 program "Great British Railway Journeys" at 6:30pm on Tuesday.

For more information see http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00y47fb

2011-01-25   Crockenhill Parish Council give grant for Fast Broadband
Crockenhill Parish Council have been given a grant of £46,500 from Kent County Council to bring fast broadband to Crockenhill and the Well Hill area. This will be used to bring broadband to areas that, at present, do not have a broadband service. It will also be used to give a faster broadband service to the Well Hill area.

2011-01-25   Theft of Kennel
A theft has occurred along Well Hill between 24/01/11 and 25/01/11. A dog kennel in the shape of a travellers caravan was taken from a residents front garden. The kennel wasn't fixed to the ground and it would have needed two people to have moved it. If you have any information that could help the police, please contact Alan Hearne - Kent Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) -07772 225 965

2011-01-19   Biker skidded on ice and breaks his collarbone
On Wednesday 19th January a male came off his bike along Firmingers. This happened about 09:30 am and the male said the bike skidded on ice which resulted in him coming off and possibly breaking his collarbone. No other vehicles were involved. Our local PCSO Alan Hearn asks residents to be aware of their driving in icy conditions to avoid any re-occurrences.

2011-01-15   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2011-01-04   Fast Broadband is coming to the Well Hill Area
Crockenhill Parish Council ratified a decision to choose CallFlow to supply fast broadband to the Well Hill Area. This is subject to contract and satisfactory references and receiving a grant from Kent County Council. This should bring fast broadband to Cockerhurst (10Mbps), Maypole (20Mbps), Park Gate (6Mbps) and Well Hill (11Mbps). The expected availability is August 2011.

2010-12-30   Fast Broadband is coming to the Well Hill Area
On Monday evening Crockenhill Parish Council are having a meeting to ratify a decision to choose a company to supply the fast broadband. This should bring fast broadband to Cockerhurst (10Mbps), Maypole (20Mbps), Park Gate (6Mbps) and Well Hill (11Mbps). The expected availability is August 2011.

2010-12-29   Tree-cycle with the Council this Christmas
Residents who want to dispose of their Christmas tree for free in an environmentally friendly, hassle free way can take advantage of Sevenoaks District Council's fortnightly garden waste collection service up to, and including, Monday 31 January 2011. The service will collect Christmas trees with a trunk less than 89mm (three-and-a-half inches) wide from the boundary of residents' property on their scheduled fortnightly garden waste collection day. Trees should be put out by 7am and should not be decorated or in pots or stands. Sevenoaks District Council will collect the trees so that they can be shredded and turned into environmentally friendly compost. Residents can find out when their garden waste collection takes place in their road by calling Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000. Trees with a trunk more than 89mm wide can be taken to one of Kent County Council's Household Recycling sites for composting. For details of local sites and opening times call 08458 247 247. As Christmas and New Year celebrations also generate large volumes of glass, residents can also take their glass bottles and jars along with any unwanted clothing, shoes, books and CDs to one of the District's more than 40 recycling sites.

2010-12-24   Christmas Eve Communion at the Well Hill Mission Church 7pm
Our Rector, Leslie Virgo, will be taking this, his last, service at Well Hill Mission Church before retiring.

2010-12-22   Village Christmas Party
Village Christmas Party/Social Wednesday 22nd December in the Brass Crosby Room If last year was anything to go by, this will be a good event with many new faces. There will be a raffle in support of the village newsletter, Chelsfield Village Voice

2010-12-21   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 7:45pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 7:45pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms. It will also be a good time to say goodbye to Canon Leslie Virgo who will be retiring very soon.

2010-12-20   Winter Newsletter
The Winter Newsletter is available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2010-12.pdf

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2010-12.pdf

2010-12-11   Christmas comes early with free parking for shoppers
Sevenoaks District Council has agreed to again offer free parking during the festive period when all parking charges will be waived on the last two Saturdays in the run up to Christmas. Parking will be free in Sevenoaks, Swanley and Westerham on Saturday 11 and Saturday 18 December 2010 in Council car parks and on roads across the District where pay and display charges would normally apply. Included in the free parking are the car park areas at Sencio's Sevenoaks leisure centre. All car park and on-street ticket machines will be closed off on these days and people will not need to get a ticket. However all other parking conditions will still apply and parking areas will continue to be enforced as normal to ensure drivers comply with parking regulations.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/news/2010/october/4306.asp

2010-12-04   Swanley 'Jump-In' pool party for 8-14 year olds
Young people once again have an exciting opportunity to meet friends and have fun during the back-to-school period, when the popular 'Jump-In' pool party returns to White Oak Leisure Centre.

Taking place on Saturday 4 December from 6pm to 8pm, the pool party will be exclusively for eight to 14 year olds.

DJ Ignition will once again play all the most popular tunes and there will be lots of enjoyable activities and games. Best of all, young people attending will have the pool all to themselves for the night and they will get to interact and have fun together.

The 'Jump-in' pool party will be held at White Oak Leisure Centre, Swanley, BR8 7BT where tickets can be purchased in advance. Tickets for this lively event will be £5 per person. You should book in advance, as it isn't possible to buy tickets on the door. Places are limited so tickets should be bought early to avoid disappointment.

To book tickets call White Oak Leisure Centre on 01322 662188, or for more information on the event call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

2010-12-01   Carol Singer Needed
Every year the Residents Association organises a traditional carol service one evening before Christmas at Well Hill Mission Church. Anne Ireland oranises a small group of singers to form a choir to perform three or four carols on their own in addition to the carols that everyone sings. If you are a singer and would like to join this small group (there are usually about 6 to 8 of them), you would be very welcome They use the Carols for Choirs green book and/or the 100 Best Carols, and aim to do four-part harmony (SATB), or, if they have enough singers, may select a 5-part carol. They rehearse for an hour or so on the evening of the service. If you would like to sing with the choir then please contact Anne Ireland, on either anne@westacre.eclipse.co.uk or 01959 534467.

2010-12-01   Sevenoaks District Countil Refuse Collection during snow
Sevenoaks District Council is currently experiencing difficulties collecting refuse from households due to the heavy snowfall and ice. Due to heavy overnight snow, the Council is not collecting refuse on Wednesday (1 December 2010). There is likely to be further disruption on Thursday and Friday of this week as further snowfall and cold weather is forecast. Residents who have not received their scheduled refuse collection this week are asked to take in their refuse and recycling bags and place them out for collection next week, by 7am, on their scheduled collection day, unless they hear otherwise. Council refuse vehicles weigh up to 26 tonnes and before they are sent out to collect refuse, the Council has to consider the risk of injury to the public and staff, the potential for damage to vehicles and property, as well as the likelihood of becoming stuck, causing further disruption. The latest position with the refuse collections will be posted on the Council's website at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/extremeweather or by calling 01732 227000.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/extremeweather

2010-11-18   Beaujolais Night
French cuisine at the Bo Peep.

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/index.php?page=soyez-bienvenus-a-notre-nuit-beaujolais

2010-11-16   A CHRISTMAS CAROL
Performances on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th, Friday 19th, Saturday 20th Nov 2010 at 8.00 pm also Saturday 20th November at 2.30 pm in the Chelsfield Village Hall (opposite the 5 Bells) Doors open half hour before the performance You are invited to purchase tickets at £7.00 each adults and £5.00 for children less than 12 years. (Ticket price includes refreshments) Phone 01689 831187 for tickets Please make cheques payable to "The Chelsfield Players"

2010-11-16   Car Parking Space Available
There is a car parking space available about five minutes walk from Orpington Station, if this is of interest and would be useful to you please telephone 07811 580785 to discuss your requirements.

The Barn, Highbeech Farm, Rock Hill has been refused planning permission to erect a new dwelling with double garage. The appeal was also dismissed.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2010_planning_refusal_the_barn.htm

2010-10-26   Pies n Pud
Delicious choice of Pies and Puddings at the Bo Peep.

For more information see http://www.thebopeep.com/index.php?page=pies-n-puds

2010-10-24   Vote for BT super fast broadband
Over the next five years BT is rolling out superfast fibre optic broadband across the UK. If you're not on the announced roll out plan The Race to Infinity gives you the opportunity to fast track your area to get BT Infinity next. The five areas with the largest percentage of votes by December 31st 2010 will win the chance to bring superfast broadband to their area. BT will also donate £5,000 of computer equipment to a local community project. Whether you're big on social networking, gaming, streaming, uploading or downloading, prepare to have your life transformed with superfast speeds. Go to http://www.racetoinfinity.bt.com/ to vote for uur exchange. For the Knockholt (01959 53...) exchange 48 votes have been cast out of a total of 1,737 (2.76%) as of 23/10/2010 For the Otford (01959 52...) exchange 78 votes have been cast out of a total of 2,835 (2.75%) as of 23/10/2010. The Swanley (01322) and Orpington (01689) exchanges are already on the rollout plan for BT Infinity.

For more information see http://www.racetoinfinity.bt.com/

2010-10-18   Police appeal for help - Crime Report BY/14787/10
Between 09:30 and 15:20 on Tuesday the 19th October a very secure compound to an industrial premises in Rock Hill was broken into and a number of industrial transformers weighing about four tons each and a lawn mower taken. A white and blue truck with a crane on the rear was seen to enter and leave the yard around this time. If you have information contact the police on 01622 690690 -Crime Report BY/14787/10.

2010-10-16   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2010-10-16   Antiques & Collectibles Valuation Day
Saturday 16th October Brass Crosby Room - Antiques & Collectibles Valuation Day Catherine Southon (as seen on BBC "Flog It" and other programmes will value 3 items for £5.00 (in aid of Church Funds) 10.00am - 1.00pm Refreshments available Details Ann 01689 826349

2010-10-02   Lullingstone Castle World Garden
The traditional Lullingstone Guest Lecture, this year with Head Tree Man of Kew Gardens - Tony Kirkham, Saturday 2nd October, 2pm - 6.30pm. Special price £30.00 includes Tom's Garden Tour, tea in the House and the Tony Kirkham Lecture.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/

2010-10-02   Octoberfest Beer Festival
Five Bells Chelsfield Village. Octoberfest Beer Festival with week long activities supporting local charities. Over 25 ales available from across the country. Loyalty card scheme. T-shirts on sale. Guess the sweets in a jar. Hamper raffle + lots of good company, cheer and beer.

For more information see http://www.thefivebells-chelsfieldvillage.co.uk/events.html

2010-09-29   Crockenhill PACT meeting
Crockenhill residents can have their say about issues concerning them at the latest PACT neighbourhood panel meeting to help make the area safer. The next PACT meeting is taking place on Thursday 29 September at Crockenhill Village Hall, Stones Cross Road at 7pm. PACT stands for Partners and Community Together. PACT meetings are made up of local residents, Kent Police, Sevenoaks District Council and other agencies that work to make the local area safer. All local residents are welcome to turn up for the meeting on the night. For more information, contact Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail community.safety@sevenoaks.gov.uk.

2010-09-26   Church Open Day
Church Open Day and Harvest Festival. On Sunday 26th September St Martin's Church will be open all day with displays by all of the local organisations who use the church facilities. Everyone is Welcome.

2010-09-20   National Chimney Fire Safety Week
As summer draws to a close and people consider lighting open fires and stoves for the first time this year, firefighters are issuing a few simple safety tips to help people avoid the risk of chimney fires. In the last three years, Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) attended to 788 accidental chimney fires. Ahead of national Chimney Fire Safety Week next week (20-26 September) KFRS is highlighting the fact that most incidents were due to the build up of debris in the chimney and would have been avoided if the chimneys were swept regularly - at least once a year - more frequently if you burn wood.

For more information see http://www.kent.fire-uk.org/news/15_september_2010_chimney_fire.aspx

2010-09-16   Kick-start a new lifestyle with 'Why Weight'
Residents who want to shift some extra pounds can now do so when a popular, free weight loss course returns. Designed to empower, encourage and inform, 'Why Weight' is a 12 week course, aimed at those who feel they have two stone or more to lose. It will help participants to take control of their health and jumpstart their weight loss by combining a healthy diet with exercise, motivation and lifestyle advice. This successful course will re-launch on Thursday 16 September in Swanley, from 1pm to 2.30pm Classes run for 12 weeks, and the each week will include an hour long nutrition session, a 30 minute motivational exercise class, a weight and waist check, as well as expert advice from a health professional. After the programme has finished, participants will receive ongoing personal support to make sure they keep up the positive lifestyle change. To find out more, or to sign up to the programme, residents should speak with their GP, practice nurse or contact Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/education_health_and_social_care/health/sevenoaks_district_healthy_living_projects/3429.asp

2010-09-15   Castle Farm APPLES
Castle Farm grow the unique and delicious Norfolk Royal Apple - a sweet, juicy, crisp and bright red. You won't find it in any supermarket so visit the locat orchards from mid-September to mid-October (Weekdays 1pm - 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am - 5pm). Captured in a bottle, the sweetness of our Norfolk Royals is balanced with local Bramleys to create a perfect refreshing drink - so different to the supermarket blends. Telephone 01959 523219 for details.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/HS_NEWSLETTERS/The_Hop_Shop_Newsletter.html

2010-09-12   Lullingstone World Garden
Lullingstone Castle Plant Fair with the Hardy Plant Society, Sunday 12th September from 11am to 5pm.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/

2010-09-11   Swanley 'Jump-In' pool party for 8-14 year olds
Young people once again have an exciting opportunity to meet friends and have fun during the back-to-school period, when the popular "Jump-In" pool party returns to White Oak Leisure Centre.

Taking place on Saturday 11 September from 6pm to 8pm, the pool party will be exclusively for eight to 14 year olds.

DJ Ignition will once again play all the most popular tunes and there will be lots of enjoyable activities and games. Best of all, young people attending will have the pool all to themselves for the night and they will get to interact and have fun together.

However, adults will be getting a treat too, as there will be special offers in the Leisure Centre cafe for any parent or guardian who brings a child along to participate in the fun.

The 'Jump-in' pool party will be held at White Oak Leisure Centre, Swanley, BR8 7BT where tickets can be purchased in advance. Tickets for this lively event will be £5 per person. You should book in advance, as it isn't possible to buy tickets on the door. Places are limited so tickets should be bought early to avoid disappointment.

To book tickets call White Oak Leisure Centre on 01322 662188, or for more information on the event call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

Saturday 4th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. Entries accepted between 9:30 and 11am. Viewing from 2pm with prize giving from 3pm. Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2010.pdf

2010-09-01   Temporary Power Cut
Some parts of Well Hill will have a temporary interruption of electrical supply as EDF needs to carry out essential maintenance work nearby. Power is expected to be cut some time between 9am and 5pm. For further information call the Power Cut Helpline on 0800 838 866.

2010-08-30   Bank holiday refuse collection arrangements
Following the August bank holiday, there will be some changes to refuse and recycling and garden waste collection times. The revised collection times are:
Bank holiday 30 August - all collections during this week will be one day later than usual until Saturday 4 September
Please ensure you put out your black and clear sack and garden waste by 7am on your rescheduled day of collection. Refuse, recycling and garden waste put out after the crew has been through your road will not be collected and must be taken back in until the next collection

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/environment/rubbish_waste_and_recycling/refuse_recycling_and_garden_waste_collection_times/1730.asp

2010-08-27   Mini Beer Festival
Five Bells Chelsfield Village. Bank Holiday weekend Mini Beer Festival with lots of guest ales from across the country

For more information see http://www.thefivebells-chelsfieldvillage.co.uk/events.html

2010-08-27   Hops at Castle Farm
The full-flowering aromatic hops growing on Castle Farm are ready to transform your home... or pub... or party venue... or church for harvest festival. Ready now until mid-September, the 3m bines are fresh-cut daily for the shop, or can be dispatched to most UK addresses. Telephone 01959 523219 to order. Dried hop bines are available all year.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/HS_NEWSLETTERS/The_Hop_Shop_Newsletter.html

Castle Farm has a FARMHOUSE FOR RENT. Here's a chance in a lifetime to live a rural idyll. This gorgeous little farmhouse is available to rent: large kitchen, dining room and living room with exposed beams and original fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, large garden. Newly refurbished. Set on a working farm in a secluded location. Easy access to M25/M20 and commuter station. Minimum 1 year. Also traditional weather-boarded granary suitable for office/studio/small business. Telephone 01959 523219 for details.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/HS_NEWSLETTERS/The_Hop_Shop_Newsletter.html

2010-08-17   Appeal for Residential Caravan Site
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal by Sevenoaks District Council for land at North East of Westwood Farm West of M25 and South of Redmans Lane, Rock Hill, Orpington for " Change of use to residential including the stationaing of 2 mobile homes and 4 touring caravans for an extended gypsy family". The appeal will be a hearing from 10am at Sevenoaks District Council offices on Argyl Road on Tuesday 17th August.

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?casename=APP/G2245/A/10/2125613&caseaddress=COO.2036.300.8.3442337

2010-08-16   Health walk in Lullingstone Park
Take a step towards a healthier lifestyle with a Lullingstone health walk A new health walk is making its way to Lullingstone which promises to be one of the most scenic and challenging in the Sevenoaks area. This Lullingstone health walk will start at 2pm on Monday 16 August running every Monday thereafter. It will begin and end at the Lullingstone Park Visitor Centre. The Lullingstone health walk covers slopes and hills and will be more physically challenging than many other local health walks. However with its scenic route, which takes walkers through natural woodlands, it's likely to be one of the most rewarding. Some areas will be uneven with exposed tree roots so practical footwear is advised. The walk will last up to an hour and everyone will be encouraged to walk at their own pace. There's no need to book, just turn up and get walking! Walkers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult aged over 18. Regular walking has been shown to help improve fitness, relieve stress and improve mental wellbeing. To find more about local health walks visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/healthwalks or call Sevenoaks Council on 01732 227000.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/healthwalks

2010-08-16   Refuse Collection Day is Changing
For properties in the Sevenoaks District Council area, the collection days are changing from the week commencing 16th August. For those with a TUESDAY collection, the new day will be Friday starting from Friday 20th August.For those with a THURSDAY collection, the new day will be Monday starting from Monday 16th August.

The Rock and Fountain, Rock Hill has been refused planning permission for the replacement of existing gas store with new detached store.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2010_planning_refusal_rock_and_fountain.htm

2010-08-05   New Rural PC
DC Brian Smith became the new rural PC for the Well Hill area in July. The appointment is temporary until the outcome of the court case against PC Fran Croucher is determined later this year. Both DC Brian Smith and PCSO Alan Hearn can be contacted via 01322 422502.

2010-07-28   Theft in Pump Lane
Around 14:00 on the 28th July a chain harrow at the front entrance to a farm in Pump Lane was stolen. A white pick-up truck containing scrap metal with two males in the front was seen in suspicious circumstances at this time. CCTV being viewed but if you any any information, please contact Kent Police on 01732 771055 giving the Crime Report refererence of BY/10757/10.

2010-07-24   Lullingstone World Garden
On 24th and 25th July (11am to 5pm) the World Garden have their Plant Hunter weekend! It's going to be a crazy day because Tom Harte Dyke is dressing up as David Douglas and leading guided tours of the garden (at 12:30 and 3:30pm), celebrity chef Simon Boyle will give cooking demonstrations, there will be a hog roast for proper feasting, and a miniature labyrinth as well as our plant hunter quiz, for younger visitors.

For more information see http://www.lullingstonecastle.co.uk/

2010-07-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2010-07-11   3rd Annual Well Hill Musical Concert
Well Hill Mission Church on Sunday 11th July at 2:45pm. The concert will be under the leadership of Mr Julius Bannister and is assistedby a very talented group of young ladies giving a varied range of music for everyones taste. Weather permitting it will be held in the lovely church gardens. The tickets are priced at £6 and includes a cream tea. All profits will go towards church funding. Please contact the following for tickets
Carol and Chris Courtney 01959 535022
Wendy and Norman McDonnell 01959 534310
Julia and Terry Sparkes 01689 823749
Vera and Gerry Walker 01689 606738
Book early to save dissapointment

2010-07-10   Chelsfield Village Fair
Saturday 10th July from noon

2010-07-10   Lavender Festival Weekend and Lavender Aromatherapy Massages
The Hop Shop: Lavender Festival weekend: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th July 2010. Food tastings, tours, farm burgers and teas.

Lavender Aromatherapy Massages in the lavender fields: Sat 3rd, Sun 4th, Thurs 8th, Fri 9th, Sat 10th and Sun 11th July 2010. Pre-booking essential. £30 for a 30 minute appointment..

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2010-07-07   Shoreham Parish Council Meeting at Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council hold a meeting at the Well Hill Mission Church once a year. This year's meeting will be from 7:30pm in the Well Hill Mission Church at which the public can attend.

2010-07-06   Kent Police move to Sevenoaks Council offices
Kent Police and Sevenioaks District Council will be working even closer together when the police public enquiries desk moves into the Council's Argyle Road offices in Sevenoaks. The new police reception opened on the 28th June 2010 and provides all the services that were available at the Akehurst Lane police station. These include reporting crime, accidents and missing people, dealing with lost and found property, giving out crime prevention advice and checking driving documents. Kent Police will have two public enquiry officers based at the Argyle Road offices, one on duty in reception, the other based in the Community Safety Unit, who is available when needed. As part of the new arrangements, the police station based in Akehurst Lane, Sevenoaks has now closed A number of improvements have been made to the Council's public reception area as part of the police co-location, including a booth for confidential customer interviews and a confidential interview area for the police. The design of the new police counter and the reception take account the longer-term aim of co-locating Sevenoaks Police Station in its entirety to the Council offices after the lease on Epicurus House expires in December 2012. The new arrangements build on the previous developments when the Council and Kent Police joined forces last September to launch the District's first ever Community Safety Unit bringing police and Council staff into one team to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. It also highlights how the Council and Kent Police are working together for the benefit of residents, whilst enhancing the visibility of the police within the town. The police opening times are 8.45am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am to 4.45pm on Fridays. When the Council offices are closed, visitors with police related matters can use the easily accessible emergency phone located by the entrance. Callers will be put through to the Kent Police Force Contact and Control Centre. Members of the public can also continue to visit any of Kent Police's public enquiries desks at other stations in the area including Swanley, Tonbridge and West Malling if more convenient. Opening times for these stations can be found at www.kent.police.uk or by ringing 01622 690690.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/news/2010/june/4225.asp

2010-07-06   Police Community Safety Newsletter - Summer
Kent Police's Community Safety Newsletter for the Well Hill Area has been published. It can be downloaded at http://www.kent.police.uk/Your%20Area/west_kent/newsletters/Crockenhill%20and%20Well%20Hill.pdf (566kBytes). This newsletter also contains crime prevention advice such as:
  • Shut and lock windows, doors and sheds to deter opportunist thieves
  • If you are in your back garden, check your property is secure
  • Do not leave valuables on display in your car and shut the windows
  • If you go on holiday use lights and radios on timers to give the illusion you are there
  • Use a good bicycle lock and lock it to something secure
  • Property mark your valuables with your postcode using a UV pen
  • Avoid leaving packaging outside that shows burglars what you have recently bought

For more information see http://www.kent.police.uk/Your%20Area/west_kent/newsletters/Crockenhill%20and%20Well%20Hill.pdf

2010-07-04   Save energy and money with HeatSeekers
Residents should listen out for a knock at the door in the coming weeks which could save them money. Following a thermal survey of 13,000 homes in the Sevenoaks District Council area, HeatSeekers representatives will be calling at properties with poor energy efficiency to make their inhabitants aware just how much money they could save on heating bills by better insulating their home. The qualified HeatSeekers surveyors will offer advice and crucially details of free or discounted home insulation. Each surveyor will carry a photo ID card and letter of authority from Sevenoaks Council. Any resident wishing to check the identify of a surveyor will be able to contact Sevenoaks Council. They will also be given the opportunity to opt out of receiving a visit. Last winter, HeatSeekers surveyed homes using thermal imaging technology to identify properties which were losing heat through their roof, walls, windows and doors. The scheme was developed by the Energy Saving Partnership and operates in partnership with Sevenoaks District Council. If any homeowner would like a free insulation survey on their property please call HeatSeekers on 0800 111 4968 or visit www.homeheatseekers.co.uk.

For more information see http://www.homeheatseekers.co.uk

2010-07-03   Lavender Festival Weekend and Lavender Aromatherapy Massages
The Hop Shop's Lavender Festival weekend: Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th July. Food tastings, tours, farm burgers and teas.

Lavender Aromatherapy Massages in our lavender fields: Sat 3rd, Sun 4th, Thurs 8th, Fri 9th, Sat 10th and Sun 11th July 2010. Pre-booking essential. £30 for a 30 minute appointment.. LAVENDER SEASON We're already being asked when the lavender starts to turn purple, as well as when the lavender events start... so here are the dates. The first purple colour starts to appear in the fields in mid-June and we start cutting the fresh bunches for drying in late June. Harvesting for the oil starts in mid July and is usually finished in early August.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2010-06-20   Well Hill Mission Church Founding Day
Service of celebration of the 117th anniversary of the founding of the mission church at Well Hill led by the Rector. Including Holy Communion. Collection for Christian Aid.

2010-06-19   The Kentones Barbershop Chorus
The barbershop chorus are performing at St Botolphs Church Lullingstone at 6:30pm. There will be Canapes and bubbly. Tickets £12.00 available from Valerie Wells on 01322 860868

2010-06-19   Swanley 'Jump-In' pool party for 8-14 year olds
Swanley Leisure Centre will once again host the popular pool party event held for young residents, with music and fun for everyone. The 'Jump In' pool party will take place on Saturday 19 June from 6pm to 8pm, exclusively for eight to 14 year olds, with popular artist DJ Ignition playing all the latest tunes. There will be cool lights and plenty of fun stuff in the pool, all for £5. Young people will have the pool completely to themselves at the event and the cafe at the Leisure Centre will also be open with special offers for parents and guardians who want to stay. The 'Jump-in' pool party will be held at White Oak Leisure Centre, Swanley, BR8 7BT where tickets can be purchased in advance. Places are limited so tickets should be bought early to avoid disappointment. To book tickets in advance contact White Oak Leisure Centre by calling 01322 662188, or for more information on the event call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

2010-06-12   Church Fete
Saturday 12 June at the Rectory, Skibbs Lane. 12 noon to 4.30 pm

2010-06-10   Theft and Attempted Theft
Overnight on the 10th June an outbuilding to a property in Rock Hill was broken into but nothing taken. Around the same time stables, also in Rock Hill, had a horse rug, five horse collars, a pink wheelbarrow and a fork stolen. If you have any information contact Kent Police (01622 690690) quoting crime Reports BY/8372/10 and BY/8389/10.

For more information see http://www.kent.police.uk/

2010-06-02   Local Artist Exhibiting at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve
Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve are holding an Art Exhibition by Hartley Art Group (all local Artists) on 2nd to 6th June,10am -4pm. There will be framed paintings, mounted painting, prints and greeting cards for sale, entrance is free so come and have a browse and see work by our local artist Patricia Peek. Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve is situated on the north side of the A25 Bradbourne Vale Road, between Riverhead and Bat and Ball.

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&ll=51.294505,0.170202&spn=0.035799,0.061026&z=14

2010-05-26   PACT meeting at Well Hill Mission Church
PACT (Partners and Community Together) will be meeting at Well Hill Mission Church on Wednesday 26th May at 7pm. The agenda includes: Review of Action Plan and update on actions since last meeting; Prioritisation of issues; Feedback to the Community

Saturday 4th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. The schedule and rules are available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/ Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/produce_show_2010.pdf

SATURDAY 8TH MAY 2010 Try some of the Bay Tree savoury specials at the Hop Shop on the road from Well Hill to Eynsford.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2010-04-27   AGM 8pm
The Well Hill Residents' Association AGM will be held at The Lodge, Lullingstone Golf Course from 8pm. There will be a talk from the Director of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Also at the AGM will be Kent Police and Parish, Sevenoaks District and Kent County Council representatives.

2010-04-24   HONEY TASTING DAY
SATURDAY 24th APRIL 2010 Taste some of the local honey at the Hop Shop - Castle Farm - with their expert bee-keeper. As well as being delectable, local honey is reputed to reduce hayfever symptoms if consumed daily in the lead-up to 'pollen season'!

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2010-04-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2010-04-16   Youth Zone Skateboard and BMX Coaching
Easter holiday fun with the Youth Zone Friday 16 April - 11am to 3.30pm - Swanley St. Mary's Recreation Ground - skateboard and BMX coaching The Youth Zone Team will be on hand to provide a safe, lively and fun atmosphere, but will not be able to take responsibility for children during the event. All children should be supervised by a parent or carer. For more information visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone or call 01732 227000

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone

2010-04-09   Youth Zone Indoor Ice Rink
Easter holiday fun with the Youth Zone Friday 9 April - 11am to 3.30pm - Horton Kirby and South Darenth Village Hall, Horton Road, South Darenth - indoor ice rink The Youth Zone Team will be on hand to provide a safe, lively and fun atmosphere, but will not be able to take responsibility for children during the event. All children should be supervised by a parent or carer. For more information visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone or call 01732 227000

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone

2010-04-08   Youth Zone Human Table Football and Cheer Leading Dance Workshop
Easter holiday fun with the Youth Zone Thursday 8 April - 11am to 3.30pm - Sevenoaks Community Centre, Crampton's Road, Sevenoaks - human table football and cheer leading dance workshop The Youth Zone Team will be on hand to provide a safe, lively and fun atmosphere, but will not be able to take responsibility for children during the event. All children should be supervised by a parent or carer. For more information visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone or call 01732 227000

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone

2010-04-08   No Refuse Collection on Thursday
Due to the Easter Bank Holidays, the usual Thursday collection will now be on Friday 9th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2010-04-06   Youth Zone Sports and Games
Easter holiday fun with the Youth Zone It's almost time for the Easter holidays, which means the "In the Zone" Team will be out and about with six days of free fun activities. The Easter events take place at indoor venues and activities include arts and crafts, workshops and fun and games. Events run from 11am to 3.30pm on: Tuesday 6 April - The Junction, Swanley Youth Centre, St. Mary's Road, Swanley -sports and games The Youth Zone Team will be on hand to provide a safe, lively and fun atmosphere, but will not be able to take responsibility for children during the event. All children should be supervised by a parent or carer. For more information visit www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone or call 01732 227000

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/inthezone

2010-04-06   No Refuse Collection on Tuesday
Due to the Easter Bank Holidays, the usual Tuesday collection will now be on Wednesday 7th April.

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/refuse

2010-04-02   Beehives stolen
Between 26th March and 2nd April, nine wooden beehives in a field off Daltons Road have been taken. Forensic evidence has been gained and if you have any information please contact Kent Police on 01622 690690 quoting crime report BY/4842/11

2010-04-01   Appeal Lodged for Residential Caravan Site
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal by Sevenoaks District Council for land at North East of Westwood Farm West of M25 and South of Redmans Lane, Rock Hill, Orpington for " Change of use to residential including the stationaing of 2 mobile homes and 4 touring caravans for an extended gypsy family".

For more information see http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/ViewCase.asp?casename=APP/G2245/A/10/2125613&caseaddress=COO.2036.300.8.3442337

2010-03-28   Two men arrested for burglary
Two men were arrested today (Sunday) whilst attempting a burglary at the Kent Hounds. Police responded quickly when alerted to suspicious behaviour.

2010-03-23   Fifty plus forum
Residents aged 50 and older are being urged to get involved in setting up and running a new forum to give themselves a greater voice and influence over local decisions that affect them. Older people's forums are run by older people for older people. They have been running across the UK since the 1990s and give a collective voice to the over 50s who want to influence decisions that affect their lives and have a say about how local services and plans are developed for them. There are over 50 forums in the South East with new ones being set up across west Kent. Public events have been organised to help set up Sevenoaks District's first ever older people's forum. The free event takes place in Swanley between 10.30am and 12.30pm on Tuesday 23 March at the Alexandra Suite, St Mary's Road, Swanley BR8 7BU Interested residents can come to the free events for a coffee and find out about their local services and facilities and how to get involved. There will also be a market place of information and advice stalls and guest speakers from key organisations. Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Age Concern, Help the Aged, Voluntary Action West Kent, Sevenoaks District Council, and Kent County Council and West Kent Housing Association, is organising the three launch events. Once up-and-running, the forum will run by older people and will be totally independent and impartial. For further information or help with transport to the launch events, please contact Fiona Watkins on 01732 454785 or e-mail diane.aslett@helptheaged.org.uk

2010-03-01   Enforcement Notice issued for land south of Redmans Lane
An Enforcement Notice was issued by the Sevenoaks District Council for land at North East of Westwood Farm West of M25 and South of Redmans Lane, Rock Hill, Orpington to "Permanently cease the use of the Land as a residential caravan site."

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2010_enforcement_notice.htm

2010-02-20   Detectives are appealing for information
Detectives are appealing for information about tools and a car taken during a burglary at a commercial garage that specialises in repairing Citroen cars. The tools were taken from the garage at Rock Hill near Orpington between 19:00 on the 1st February and 00:30 on the 2nd February. The garage shutters were forced to get access and among the items stolen were a laptop computer and scanner and specialist tools worth thousands of pounds. A black Citroen C5 that was at the garage for repairs was also taken although this was found abandoned at nearby Redmans Lane at half past midnight on 2nd. As a result of the burglary the garage owner may be forced out of business. Police are very keen to trace the whereabouts of the stolen items and would like to hear from anyone who may recently have been offered commercial tools for sale or who has any information about the burglary. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact police on 01732 379217 (if possible quoting reference 1635) or Kent Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Callers to Crimestoppers do not have to leave their name. Information can also be emailed to appeals.westkent@kent.pnn.police.uk

2010-02-20   New PCSO
Since PC Fran Croucher was suspended from duty earlier this year, Cockerhurst, Park Gate and Well Hill have been without any neigbourhood policing. From this month, PCSO Alan Hearn has tranfered from Farningham, Horton Kirby and South Darenth and is starting to learn the area. We are still without a neighbourhood PC but at least we have some police presense in the area. PCSO Alan Hearn contact details are: 0777 222 5969 alan.hearn@kent.pnn.police.uk

2010-02-18   Burglary to a property off Rock Hill
Between 08:00 and 23:00 on Thursday 18th February there was a burglary to a property off Rock Hill; the front door was forced and a TV and mobile phone taken. If you have any information contact the Swanley neighbourhood policing team on 01322 422502 quoting Crime Report BY/2468/10 .

2010-01-16   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2009-12-28   Thames Gateway Quartet and Guests
The Thames Gateway Quartet and Guests present a relaxing concert featuring well-loved poems blended with popular classics and light music on Monday 28th December at 3pm in Chelsfield Village Hall. Tickets are £6.00 in aid of Help for Heroes and Village hall restoration. Box office 01689 896405.

For more information see http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/

2009-12-24   Christmas Communion
After several years of absence, Christmas Communion will once again take place at the Well Hill Mission Church. It will start at 7pm on Christmas Eve.

2009-12-23   Collection date for Gammon, TURKEYS, GEESE, PHEASANTS and DUCKS for Christmas
From the local Hop Shop (between Well Hill and Eynsford). COLLECTION DATE FOR GAMMONS, TURKEYS, GEESE and DUCKS is WEDNESDAY 23rd DECEMBER... when the Hop Shop will be welcoming you with their speciality hot apple and ginger punch.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2009-12-21   Carol Singing at the Bo Peep
Carol Singing at the Bo Peep

2009-12-21   Heat Seekers
A HeatSeekers vehicle will be in and around much of the Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) area from 21/12/09 until early in the new year. The vehicle will travel around the streets at around 15mph with a thermal imaging camera recording energy loss in the housing stock (all tenures, though the scheme is aimed at private sector stock). The van is clearly identified with HeatSeekers information and the driver will not need to knock at any doors, but will have ID if challenged. The vehicle will operate between 8pm and midnight to be most effective. Occupiers of the most affected properties will be contacted and offered advice at a later date. SDC don't anticipate there being any problems as things have run smoothly in other authority areas and received very positive feedback. If you would like to discuss the scheme and its benefits, please contact the District Council's Climate Change Officer, Louise Shrubsole, on 01732 227000 or email louise.shrubsole@sevenoaks.gov.uk - or you can see further details on the HeatSeekers website http://www.homeheatseekers.co.uk/press/heatseekers-vehicles-hit-the-road-with-uk-insulation-targets-in-their-sights/

For more information see http://www.homeheatseekers.co.uk/press/heatseekers-vehicles-hit-the-road-with-uk-insulation-targets-in-their-sights/

2009-12-21   Road Salting
If you have a salt bin near you and it need refilling contact Kent Highways on 0845 8247900 to request it be refilled. You can also use their web site (see link below). This is not the same website that Kent Highways gives on the phone. They have forgotten to update their message after recent web site changes! Once at the CORRECT website, click "Report a Fault" : Select any customer type (there is not one for member of the public) : Click "next" : Select a "fault category" of "Winter Maintenance" : and the rest should be self explanatory. Please not that the salt is for roads only and using it for private drives could be classified as stealing.

For more information see http://www.kent.gov.uk/KHSFaults/

2009-12-17   Carol Singing at the Five Bells
Carol Singing at the Five Bells

2009-12-16   Carol Service at the Well Hill Mission Church 8pm
Join other residents for the festive Carol Service in our very own Mission Church. It starts at 8pm with mince pies and drinks later. Suitable for all ages and children are especially welcome - even babes in arms.

2009-12-14   Last date to order local TURKEYS, GEESE, PHEASANTS and DUCKS for Christmas
From the local Hop Shop (between Well Hill and Eynsford). TURKEYS, GEESE, PHEASANTS and DUCKS - the deadline for guaranteed orders is Monday 14th December The free-range, bronze turkeys are reared in Kent and can be supplied whole or as 'crowns' of the breast meat. The free-range pheasant and geese are reared locally in the Darenth Valley. The ducks are from Debden Green, Essex.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2009-12-09   Internet Cafe
Learn more about using the Internet in the Parish Room, Chelsfield Village from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Ideal for beginners and those who want to do more on the Internet.

2009-12-04   Beware of two telephone scan in the Well Hill Area
A company claiming to be Crime Reduction UK is telephoning homes in West Kent trying to get personal information such as bank details. If you receive such a call, dial 1471 to see if they did not block there telephone number. In all cases let Consumer Direct know on 0845 4040506.

A burglar alarm company going by the name of SAS Security have been making phonecalls to residents stating that they are working in conjunction with the police to help protect houses from burglars. They are asking people if they currently have a burglar alarm and are offering to come out and install a free alarm if they do not currently have one. We believe this to be a scam for the company to gain access to properties and would advise all residents to not give them any personal information or state that they do not have an alarm. If you receive such a call, dial 1471 to see if they did not block there telephone number. In all cases let Consumer Direct know on 0845 4040506.

2009-11-26   Last date to order Gammon for Christmas
From the local Hop Shop. GAMMONS - the deadline for guaranteed orders is Thursday 26th November. These wonderful GAMMONS are smoked over beechwood are cured in apple juice, honey and herbs. They are supplied to the Hop Farm as a special favour by Denhay Farm in Dorset who can also provide truckles (small drums) of their famous cheddar cheese.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/

2009-11-25   Ladies Night - Anne Summers Party - 30 days before Christmas
Wednesday 25th November Five Bells Ladies Night Anne Summers Party Free Nibbles Lots of Giggles!

2009-11-19   Local History Group
Thursday 19th November Brass Crosby Room Local History Group from 10.15am

2009-11-18   Chelsfield Players present "Our Country's Good"
Wed 18th Thur 19th Fri 20th and Sat 21st November Chelsfield Village Hall Chelsfield Players present "Our Country's Good" by Timberlake Wertenbaker £6.50 Box Office (01689) 831 187 ABOUT THE PLAY In an Australian penal colony in 1789, a young lieutenant directs rehearsals of the Restoration comedy The Recruiting Officer. With only two copies of the text, a cast of convicts, opposition from sadistic officers, unforgiving conditions and a leading lady who may be about to be hanged, Australia's first ever theatrical production is in trouble from the start. . .

2009-11-17   Quiz Night
Tuesday 17th November Five Bells Quiz Night from 9.00pm

2009-11-09   Residents urged not to miss out on free heating scheme
Residents urged not to miss out on free heating scheme Residents who are not connected to the gas network may be able to benefit from a new heating system installed for free or with a large subsidy as part of a pilot project to test a new form of environmentally friendly heating. Sevenoaks District Council is working with National Energy Action to trial air source heat pumps, a revolutionary form of heating which is more efficient, and therefore cheaper, than traditional gas alternatives such as LPG, oil or storage heaters. Air source heat pumps run off mains electricity. They circulate hot air in the home and are used overseas, even in colder climates than our own. National Energy Action will pay the first £3,500 of the installation, which in many cases will cover all the costs. The homeowner or tenant would be expected to pay any additional costs. To qualify, residents must be in receipt of a means tested or disablement benefit and they cannot be on the gas network. Ideally they will be looking to replace their existing heating system. For more information, residents should call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail private.sector.housing@sevenoaks.gov.uk. The trial is part of a countrywide scheme operated by the National Energy Action (a registered charity campaigning for warm homes) and local councils to find 200 homes to try out the new system.

2009-11-09   Older residents' classes to help avoid the risk of falling
Older residents' classes to help avoid the risk of falling With wetter, colder weather leading to increased chances of slips and falls, free classes are being run for older people to help avoid the risk of falling. A third of over 65s and a half of over 80s fall at least once a year and many of these falls can lead to injury and time spent in hospital. However, in many cases these falls can be avoided. Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with NHS West Kent run free falls prevention classes to help older residents reduce their risk of falling. The classes use gentle exercises to help improve muscle strength, flexibility and balance. They also cover what to do in the event of a fall, for example how best to get up off the floor and when it is safe to do so. Classes run at: Swanley - Wednesdays 11am to 12 noon at the Age Concern Meeting Point, 37 High Street, Swanley, Kent, BR8 8AE For more information on the classes, please call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000.

2009-10-22   Appeal for information about suspicious fire
Kent Police are appealing for information following a fire at a warehouse at Well Hill near Orpington on Thursday 15 October.

The fire, which started at around 9pm, damaged the warehouse and homes nearby had to be evacuated while emergency services dealt with the incident.

The fire is being treated as arson and the cause is being investigated.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 01732 379217 (if possible quoting reference 15074) or Kent Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Callers to Crimestoppers do not have to leave their name. Information can also be emailed to appeals.westkent@kent.pnn.police

2009-10-21   Warehouse Fire Confirmed as Arson
Kent Police have confirmed that the warehouse fire on Thursday 15th October 2009, at Rock Hill, was arson.

2009-10-19   The Warehouse Fire
Photographs of the warehouse fire on Thursday 16th October 2009 can be seen on our website by following the link below. We hope to be able to give more factual information about the fire when it becomes available.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2009_blaze.htm

2009-10-17   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump. The dates are easy to remember - they are the third Saturday every three months (Jan, Apr, Jul ,Oct)

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2009-10-17   Philip Lane's Chelsfield Photo Show
Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th October - Philip Lane's Chelsfield Photo Show - Chelsfield Village Hall.

2009-10-16   Fire at Well Hill Leads to Evacuation
On Thursday evening around 9pm there was a fire at the warehouse and offices of SDMS Ltd. These were on Rock Hill (Chelsfield side). By 10pm the police were evacuating residents. Some were directed to Chelsfield School and some to the Mission Church. Most of those that went to the school ended up in the Five Bells as the key for the school was located in Sittingbourne. Some others found comfort with neighbours. Our thanks go to all those who provided warmth and drinks to all evacuees. A 250 metre cordon was set up around the fire due to there being gas bottles in the buildings. These gas bottles were used for heating as mains gas does not go up Rock Hill. Around 2:30am people were able to get back home. We are not aware of any injuries to residents. If you have any photographs that we can put on the website, please send them to one of the committee. There was loss of electricity to several properties on Friday as EDF disconnected the burnt-out properties from the electrical supply. We also have heard that some residents were not happy with the way the police carried out the evacuation. If you have any complaints in the way you were treated, please let the committee know so that we can take the matter up with Kent Police.

Saturday 19th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. Entries accepted between 9:30 and 11am. Viewing from 2pm with prize giving from 3pm. Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/produce-show/

2009-09-14   Summer Newsletter
The Summer Newsletter is available online at http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2009-09.pdf

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/newsletter/2009-09.pdf

The local Norfolk Royal apples are ripening now and if you can't wait to get their teeth into a decent English apple go to the Hop Shop. The orchard is opening for PYO from Thursday 3rd September until Sunday 11th October. Opening times will be Weekdays 1pm - 5pm, Saturdays and Sundays 10am - 5pm. The orchard is only closed if the weather is bad, so if in doubt please telephone 01959 523219 to check. The Hop Shop also has a vacancy so if you want to work in a beautiful setting, there is a vacancy for a long-term, part-time person to work in The Hop Shop on Sundays and Mondays 9.30 - 5.30. If interested, please telephone 01959 523219 and ask for Caroline.

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/location.asp

2009-09-09   PACT meeting
(Partners and Community together) - Well Hill Mission church 7pm

2009-08-12   Family Fun Day - Family Challenge
Crockenhill Harvestfield, off Harvest Way Family Challenge - Fun challenges for all the family! 11am to 3:30pm Wednesday 12th August. Plus Musical Bumps singing games, puppets and percussion for 0-5 year olds Plus the Get S.O.R.T.ed Team for healthy lifestyle advice

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/leisure__culture/young_people/in_the_zone_school_holiday_activities/3728.asp

2009-08-11   Family Fun Day - Reptile Razzmatazz
Shoreham Recreation Ground, off High Street 11am to 3:30pm, Tuesday 11th August Reptile Razzmatazz - Come and meet some amazing creatures!

For more information see http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/leisure__culture/young_people/in_the_zone_school_holiday_activities/3728.asp

2009-07-23   Chelsfield Players present Lady Windermere's Fan
Chelsfield Players present Lady Windermere's Fan 8pm on Thu 23 - Sat 25 July £6 phone 01689 831187

2009-07-18   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 11:15pm to 12:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2009-07-18   Swanley pool party for £5 for young people aged 8 to 14
Young people will be able to once again "jump-in" to a Swanley pool party when the popular event comes back to Swanley. The "Jump-in" pool party will be held at White Oak Leisure Centre on Saturday 18 July from 6pm to 8pm, exclusively for 8 to 14 year olds. There will be a DJ playing all the latest tunes, cool lights, plenty of fun stuff in the pool, all for just £5! Tickets can be purchased in advance from White Oak Leisure Centre or on the night. Places are limited and the last party sold out, so buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment! Young people will have the pool completely to themselves at the event and the cafe at the Leisure Centre will also be open with special offers for parents and guardians who want to stay. For more information, contact each leisure centre directly: White Oak, Swanley: 01322 662188

2009-07-17   General healthy living advice at Eynsford
The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is out and about this July providing residents with a wealth of free advice and information to help them get back into shape. The first steps to get back into an exercise routine or follow a healthier diet can be tough. However, with the right information at their fingertips, the Get S.O.R.T.ed team can help find something for everyone to enjoy, get motivated and crucially to get started. Free 'one stop shops' are available for adults that provide individual help on anything to do with exercise and healthier eating. There is no need to book, just turn up and have a chat to one of the team. They can even call back a few weeks later to provide further support and encouragement! And all this is free! The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is aiming to visit a number venues in the District and is currently visiting the following locations in July: For general healthy living advice: Friday 17 July Eynsford Country Market, Eynsford Village Hall, 2pm to 3pm For further information please call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail healthyliving@sevenoaks.gov.uk. The Get S.O.R.T.ed initiative is organised by Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Sencio Community Leisure and funded by NHS West Kent.

2009-07-15   General healthy living advice at Swanley
The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is out and about this July providing residents with a wealth of free advice and information to help them get back into shape. The first steps to get back into an exercise routine or follow a healthier diet can be tough. However, with the right information at their fingertips, the Get S.O.R.T.ed team can help find something for everyone to enjoy, get motivated and crucially to get started. Free 'one stop shops' are available for adults that provide individual help on anything to do with exercise and healthier eating. There is no need to book, just turn up and have a chat to one of the team. They can even call back a few weeks later to provide further support and encouragement! And all this is free! The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is aiming to visit a number venues in the District and is currently visiting the following locations in July: For general healthy living advice: Wednesday 15 July Swanley Market, 9am to 12 noon For further information please call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail healthyliving@sevenoaks.gov.uk. The Get S.O.R.T.ed initiative is organised by Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Sencio Community Leisure and funded by NHS West Kent.

2009-07-12   Thames Gateway Quartet at Well Hill Mission Church
The Thames Gateway Quartet classics and light music Well Hill Mission Church 3pm on Sun 12 July £6 phone 01689 874876

For more information see http://www.villageconcerts.info

2009-07-11   Chelsfield Village Fair
Chelsfield Village Fair has been a regular event since the Chelsfield Goose Fair in 2000. It takes place on the Recreation Ground/Cricket Green/Village Green next to the Village Hall in Chelsfield Village on a Saturday in July. Every year there is a headline charity and they receive a donation of 50% of the profit leaving the remaining 50% to be allocated to local good causes. The Fair attracts large numbers of visitors, way out of proportion to the small population of Chelsfield and it is a very popular local event. Since 2006, the entertainment has been augmented by flying displays, the cost of which is paid for by Chelsfield Flying Club, a group of people who drink in the Five Bells and pay not insignificant sums in order to hire display aircraft. Admission is £1, there is a very cheap beer tent and a superb barbecue and hog-roast.

For more information see http://www.chelsfieldfair.com/

Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th July - Lavender massages in the field, tours, food tastings, beefburgers, teas, plants, crafts,etc at The Hop Shop

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk/location.asp

2009-07-10   Individual one to one healthy living advice:
The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is out and about this July providing residents with a wealth of free advice and information to help them get back into shape. The first steps to get back into an exercise routine or follow a healthier diet can be tough. However, with the right information at their fingertips, the Get S.O.R.T.ed team can help find something for everyone to enjoy, get motivated and crucially to get started. Free 'one stop shops' are available for adults that provide individual help on anything to do with exercise and healthier eating. There is no need to book, just turn up and have a chat to one of the team. They can even call back a few weeks later to provide further support and encouragement! And all this is free! The Get S.O.R.T.ed team is aiming to visit a number venues in the District and is currently visiting the following locations in July: For individual one to one healthy living advice: Friday 10 July Lullingstone Park Visitor Centre, 10am to 1.30pm For further information please call Sevenoaks District Council on 01732 227000 or e-mail healthyliving@sevenoaks.gov.uk. The Get S.O.R.T.ed initiative is organised by Sevenoaks District Council in partnership with Sencio Community Leisure and funded by NHS West Kent.

2009-07-08   Bird walk at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve
Local residents can find out more about the exotic bird species that can be seen in Sevenoaks during the summer months. Sevenoaks District Council is holding the two bird walks, on Wednesday 17 June at 10am and Wednesday 8 July at 6.30pm, at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve. Both walks will last around two hours. No previous knowledge of birds is necessary as the walks will be led by experienced walk leaders who will provide information and advice on the many rare and exotic bird species at the Reserve. Places are strictly limited, and anyone who would like to attend should call Simon Davies on 01732 227374 to book a place, or e-mail sus.dev@sevenoaks.gov.uk Walkers are advised to wear appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing and be prepared for a little rain. If the weather is hot, walkers should bring water, sun-block and a hat. Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

2009-07-01   Shoreham Parish Council Meeting at Well Hill
Shoreham Parish Council hold a meeting at the Well Hill Mission Church once a year. This year's meeting will be from 7:30pm in the Well Hill Mission Church at which the public can attend.

2009-06-17   Bird walk at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve
Local residents can find out more about the exotic bird species that can be seen in Sevenoaks during the summer months. Sevenoaks District Council is holding the two bird walks, on Wednesday 17 June at 10am and Wednesday 8 July at 6.30pm, at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve. Both walks will last around two hours. No previous knowledge of birds is necessary as the walks will be led by experienced walk leaders who will provide information and advice on the many rare and exotic bird species at the Reserve. Places are strictly limited, and anyone who would like to attend should call Simon Davies on 01732 227374 to book a place, or e-mail sus.dev@sevenoaks.gov.uk Walkers are advised to wear appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing and be prepared for a little rain. If the weather is hot, walkers should bring water, sun-block and a hat. Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

2009-06-06   Shoreham Village Fete 2009
The date for the Shoreham Fete is Saturday 6th June, 12.00 to 4.00pm on the school field. A full programme of entertainment for the main arena is planned.

2009-06-06   Chelsfield Fete in the Rectory Gardens
6th June Church Fete in the Rectory Gardens

2009-05-02   Bring and Buy Plant Sale
Saturday May 2nd from 10am to 2pm at Parkgate House next to lullingstone golf course. In aid of The Friends of St Botolph Church, Lullingstone

For more information see http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Parkgate+Road&sll=51.360594,0.16222&sspn=0.00351,0.01472&ie=UTF8&ll=51.36184,0.160911&spn=0.014926,0.02944&z=15

2009-04-25   Swanley 'Jump-In' pool party for 8-14 year olds
Young people can make a splash in Swanley during April! Young people will be able to 'jump-in' to an exciting new activity in Swanley in April and enjoy a party with a difference! The first ever Swanley 'Jump-In' pool party will be held at White Oak Leisure Centre on Saturday 25 April from 6pm to 8pm, especially for eight to 14 year olds. There will be a DJ playing all the latest tunes, cool lights and plenty of fun stuff in the pool to play with, all for just £5! Tickets can be purchased in advance from White Oak Leisure Centre or on the night. However places are limited, so it is being advised to buy tickets early. Young people will have the pool completely to themselves at the event and the cafe at the Leisure Centre will also be open with special offers for parents and guardians who want to stay. Young people will also have a chance to win a 2GB iPod Shuffle on the night! White Oak, Swanley: 01322 662188

2009-04-14   Easter Refuse Collection Dates
The collections in the week after Easter Monday will be a day later than normal. Tuesday's collection will be on Wednesday 15th April. Thursday's collection will be on Friday 17th April.

2009-04-10   Swanley morning swim for just £1 for young people under the age of 16
Make a splash with £1 swims Young people looking to have fun with their friends can take advantage of £1 swims during the Easter holidays. The discounted swims were offered at Sencio leisure centres last summer and proved so popular they are making a return in 2009. Over the Easter break young people under the age of 16 can turn up and swim during the morning for just £1 at Edenbridge, Sevenoaks and Swanley White Oak leisure centres. For more information, contact each leisure centre directly: Edenbridge: 01732 865665 Sevenoaks: 01732 740700 White Oak, Swanley: 01322 662188

2008-11-29   Safer Number Plate Scheme
10am-1pm Crockenhill Village Hall 1:30pm-4:30pm Eynsford Parish Office Vehicle number plates are regularly stolen. One use of stolen number plates is to put them on a car, go to the petrol station, fill up with petrol then drive away without paying. The Safer Number Plate Scheme will replace the normal screws that fix a number plate to a vehicle with tamper proof screws - free of charge at:. Crockenhill Village Hall, Stones Cross Road, Crockenhill, BR8 8LT and Eynsford Parish Office, Priory Lane, Eynsford, DA4 0AY

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/archives/2008-safer-number-plates.htm

2008-11-22   Police Surgery
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 12:15pm to 1:00pm. Meet PCSO Steve Vincent at the same time as getting rid of your rubbish. PCSO Steve Vincent can give help on crime prevention and anti social behaviour problems (for example noise, nuisance bonfires) and many other matters.

2008-10-16   Free Trees
For several years The North West Kent Countryside Project has give away free trees. If you live in the Sevenoaks District Council area and are a private individual, landowner or local group, you can apply for up to 25 free trees. Extra trees can be bought for 60p each. The Free Tree Scheme is able to supply trees to anyone owning land from gardens to farmland. All trees are whips and are therefore less than one metre high and are bare-rooted. There are many species to choose from including Ash, Wild Cherry, Field Maple, Hawthorn, Rowan and hedge plants. Applications for trees closes on 31st October each year. The details of allocations and collection dates will be made by the end of November. To apply, contact the North West Kent Countryside Project on 01322 294 727 for an application form which lists all types of trees available. All about the North West Kent Countryside Project ================================================== Started in 1984,the NWKCP (North West Kent Countryside Project) operates in the boroughs of Bexley, Dartford, Gravesham and Sevenoaks. It works to conserve and enhance the wildlife, landscape and cultural heritage of the countryside in both a rural and urban context. In addition, it encourages appropriate access to the wider countryside, promoting greater respect and understanding where opportunities exist. NWKCP's activities include providing guidance and advice to landowners, local communities, parish council's, schools and local user groups amongst many others, to develop, plan and implement wildlife and landscape improvements. NWKCP is also able to help individuals and groups access and apply for grant aid to carry out these projects, and is able to assist farmers in the AONB apply to national schemes such as the new Environmental Stewardship scheme. In addition it administers its own Landscape Enhancement Grant scheme for small-scale projects. NWKCP also runs a highly successful Free Tree Scheme (closing date for applications on 31 October each year), and provides up to twenty-five native trees completely free of charge to individuals or groups wishing to enhance the landscape. A leaflet and application form is available from the NWKCP office. For those wishing to actively participate in conservation work, NWKCP runs a volunteer group every Wednesday and Thursday to carry out small-scale projects. These vary from hedgelaying to pond creation to woodland management and can be carried out by all abilities.

2008-09-13   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 12:15pm to 1:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

Saturday 6th September at Chelsfield Village Hall. Entries accepted between 9:30 and 11am. Viewing from 2pm with prize giving from 3pm. Schedules and details from 01689 831826 or 01959 535022

Audience participation in a Murder Mystery to be Directed by Neil Robertson on Weds 13th, Thurs 14th, Fri 15th and Sat 16th August 2008 At 8.00pm In the Chelsfield Village Hall Doors open 7.30pm Lord Earnest Grabbit is a not a man without enemies. His notorious reputation as a penny pinching skinflint, watching every halfpenny that leaves his wallet knows no bounds and affects all those around him - from Daphne the daughter who wishes a new dress for the ball, to Cook - who has numerous bills to pay. With more than a few skeletons in the kitchen cupboards to unearth, the scene is set for an evening of intrigue, blackmail and eventually murder. It is then up to you, the audience, to use your powers of deduction to unmask the murderer(s)!

For more information see http://www.chelsfieldevents.co.uk/deadbody.pdf

2008-07-16   Wildlife Walk from Lullingstone Park Visitors Centre
2:30pm from Lullingstone Park Visitors Centre. A Woodland and Verteran Trees walk. The walk will look at woodlands and veteran trees and will be approximately two miles in length, with several stops at key locations to discuss the flora and fauna seen at these locations. It also gives residents a chance to look at some of the beautiful scenery that the district has to offer. No need to book, just turn up on the day wearing comfortable shoes and appropriate outdoor clothing and water, sunscreen and a hat if hot. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more details contact Simon Davies 01732 227000 sus.dev@sevenoaks.gov.uk

2008-07-13   Cream Tea with a String Quartet.
Well Hill Mission Church from 2:30pm Enjoy a concert by The Sabor Quartet - light classics with a cream tea. £6. For more detail phone 01689 874876

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July. 10am - 5pm Castle Farm (on road from Cockerhurst to Eynsford) Food tastings by their suppliers, bee-keeper, tours of the lavender fields and distillery, Shoreham WI teas in the marquee, Castle Farm beefburgers. Telephone 01959 523219

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

2008-07-05   Chelsfield Village Fair
Chelsfield's highly popular annual fair featuring a 10 minute flying display from a Spitfire, steel band, karate display, pony rides, funfair, charity stalls, beer tent, barbecue, line dancing and much, much more. Live music in the evening from The Jets - stay till late! Admission on the day by programme, Adults £1 children free

For more information see http://www.chelsfieldevents.co.uk/eventspage.htm

2008-06-28   Free Saturday Refuse Collection
Kent Hounds car park (by the Well Hill recycling area) from 12:15pm to 1:00pm. Get rid of those large rubbish items, when the dust-cart comes to Well Hill, without having to travel to the amenity dump.

For more information see http://www.whra.org.uk/saturday_refuse_collection.htm

2008-06-22   TEA and TEA TASTING
What could be more English than spending a summer afternoon drinking tea in a marquee? If you'd like to learn more about tea (green, black, white, herbal...) - and try tasting some different blends to give you an appreciation of the different types and flavours, and how and where it's produced - book in to our special talk by Alex Probyn, our local Master Tea Blender. Tickets £10 each (limited numbers). Telephone 01959 523219

For more information see http://www.hopshop.co.uk

Also see Really Old News


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